2. Investigating the heart

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L’s p.o.v. (Jackie)

The director called me asking me to go to the office I was assigned to. I knew what that meant. As I arrived there nothing was moved out of place. I turned on the laptop, few seconds afterward I got a call.

I answered it.

“Hello X.” I started the conversation.

“Hello L.” He didn’t sound as excited as the first time.

“Something wrong?” I bit my tongue as I said it very cocky.

“Yes, a serious case to solve.” He stated seriously. I figured he was still pissed of from the last time and probably confused why no one knew of his minor slip.

“Well do you have any new leads? I have few theories but there are a lot of cases and the possibilities are huge.”

“No I don’t.”

I sighed nervously covering the microphone. I needed to focus on the investigation and not deal with his arrogance.

“This doesn’t feel like a two way cooperation.”

“You seem to figure out everything L, so why don’t you just solve the case on your own. Oh wait, you can’t, and you need my help because I have higher level of information. So why don’t you go on and trick information out of me as you did the last time.” He said it calmly but he was angry.

I opened my mouth in surprise and confusion.


X’s p.o.v (Ethan)

Damn it. I had everything under control. I knew exactly what to say and how to act. I had a plan to not even mention the last conversation and what do I do? I just hear her annoying ways of talking to me and I totally lose control. Oh my god. I hate this person so much I can’t control my mouth.

Some tiny thing whispers the word jealous but I suppress it. Like I, the number one investigator, will be jealous of someone?! I am above that. I am calm and controlled. Yes. Now I need to fix this before I take it too far and this person actually opens her mouth to gossip me this time.

L’s p.o.v

I was silent for few seconds taken back by his childish behavior. Sounds to me like someone is jealous. An evil smile appeared on my face. To have someone as smart as him be jealous of me. Ugh, I mean..amm.. That is absurd. I am above that thinking.

As I was about to say something he started talking again.

“I apologize. That was an unacceptable behavior of me. I just had a bad day, that’s all. Hope we will put this misunderstanding behind us.”

“Of course. This never happened.” I smiled but tried to bring back my serious face. I must not allow myself to be proud of this.

“As you were saying..some new leads.”

Surprisingly after we actually put that behind us things went very easily. He shared theories, I shared theories. To my surprise, yet nothing surprising we had the same theories and shared almost the same opinions. But there was something we were both missing and it was a giant loop hole in the investigation.

“I can’t see what we’re missing.” I said after a long silence.

“Me neither. I’ve check every file like dozens of times. I spent all night trying to find something but…”

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