Chapter 18

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A/N: Hey guys, so sorry I haven't updated this story in like forever. I've honestly just been busy and lazy but here it is! And it's decent length so hopefully you guy's will enjoy it and if you wanna let me know what you think, go right ahead!


Lynn POV-

Where am I? What happened?  Why can’t I remember anything?

“Oh sweetheart, you shouldn’t be here, not yet.” A woman’s voice spoke that I briefly recognized.

“Mom?” I asked, spinning around only to find darkness everywhere I looked.

“You shouldn’t be here yet. There’s so much more out there for you. You need to fight honey, please, fight.” My mom said as her voice slowly faded away, and I was left in the dark all alone once again.

“Lynn I know it hurts but you need to fight through it” another voice said.

“I don’t understand! What are you talking about? What am I fighting?” I asked the darkness.

“Sweetheart you’re transitioning into a vampire. If you don’t fight through the pain then you will die. Just wake up. Open your eyes” the voice I recognized as Damon’s said.

I don’t understand what he’s saying. Last thing I remember is I was going for a walk with Mark, so what is everyone telling me I need to fight for? I’m still alive, I mean they’re talking to me! Damon was talking to me! Sure my mom was a hallucination but Damon’s here!

“I am. I’m right here Lynn, “ Damon said as I felt warm arms wrap around my waist, but when I turned around to see him, nothing was there. Nothing but darkness.

His voice continued over my confusion saying, “but do this for me. Just try okay? I need you to open your eyes”

“My eyes are open!” I yelled

“No. Not like this. We’re in your mind, Lynn. This is all in your head, that’s why you need to try to wake up.” Damon said, warmth surrounding every part of me.

I want to believe him. That’s all I can think about is how I want to believe him “How? How do I do that?”

“Just focus on waking up… or you could be shocked awake..” he said, trailing off at the end.

“And how do you suggest I do that?” I asked.

Suddenly the shape of a figure appeared in front of me, I was able to see around me but only with a dim light.

The figure walked closer until I could make out the outline of every feature, that’s when I realized the figure in front of me was Damon.

“Damon? I can see you!” I yelled, running at the figure and hugging him.

He looked down at me, his blue eyes shining. Everything seemed so surreal, especially when Damon got even closer to me saying “It’s time for you to wake up now, Lynn” and placing his lips on mine in a heartwarming kiss.

I was shocked upright on the bed I was laying on, not remembering anything that had happened before, only that I had gone walking in the woods, now I’m here. I looked over seeing a figure lurking in the shadows like a creeper. A normal person would be afraid but I’m pretty sure that if that stalker wanted me dead, I would be.

“I’m glad that worked; I was starting to get bored.” Damon said, walking into the light so I was able to see him.

I rubbed my eyes that were for some reason hurting from the light coming through the windows, then again I always hated the sun.

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