Chapter 11

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Today was Rosie's 1st birthday and everyone had planned a massive party for all of Sam and Ella's Friends, and family since Rosie was to young to have any friends at that point.

"Ella Get up now, your so lazy" sam Said Grumpily

"Woah chill out sam, im up"

"well stop being so lazy and i wouldnt be like this would i?" he storms out

"fucking chill out sam now"

"i will chill out once you stop being lazy"

i walk over to Rosies crib and pick her up, sam comes over and grabs her of me hurtfully

"what are you doing? shes my daughter aswell!"

"well she doesnt want you"

"Sam thats it ive had enough of this.. what the fuck has gotten in to you, seriously your acting so horrible to me and i havent even done anything!"

"dont speak to me right now, its rosies day not yours so go away"

"why are you having a go at me for? what have i done to deserve this?"

"Your being a bitch thats whats wrong, Rosie is my girl too and i wont let you take her away from me"

"who said anything about taking you away from her, i love you and i love her, wheres all this come from?"

"i over heard your mum and dad talking about you wanting to move out"

"Yeah you heard right but sam i meant with you! and Rosie!"

"dont lie to me, i love Rosie and you wont take her away from me.. i wont let you"

"Im not going to take her away from you Sam i promise, listen to me-" i put my hand on his shoulder " i swear im not going to take her away from you, shes my baby and so are you, i love you with all ive got please sam i swear i was talking to my mum about me, you and Rosie getting a place of our own so we have our privacy.. you know what i mean"

"You sure you aint lying? i really want us to be together but i couldnt deal with you taking her away from me"

i kiss him "yes of course i aint lying, i want us to be a family, i want her to have what i rarely had and that was a dad, because when i was her age my dad was always on business trips and things so i practically didnt have a dad for 7 years until he got transferred, i just dont want her to have the same as me, sam i promise she is our little princess"

"i remeber me calling you that "my little princess" on our first date"

"see sam i promise i love you and Rosie more than anything"

so after that we both walk seperate ways so he gets her ready whilst i get the house ready"

"Babe mums here"

"Ok, just getting Rosie ready"

So I let mum in and shortly after that there came a whole load of people, more than what I expected

"Sam, where did all these people come from? I didnt think I invited this many"

"Just a few work friends and a few other people"

Just then I walked into our living room and saw the person who I really didnt want to see, BRADLEY!!!!! He fancies me soo bad and really wants me but he cant getover the fact im with Sam and particularly he really didnt care......

He walks over to me and says "Hey Babe, Missed me?"


"don't be silly, if course you missed me"

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