Chapter 10

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After a long day with alot of problems and other things me and sam decide its time for us to go out and have a night to ourselves.


To Mum x

Please could you look after Rosie tonight for a few hours because sam has planned something for us which he wont tell me but if you could it would be really helpful mum xxx

To El xx

Sure Sweetie i will, i'll be over in about an hour just going to sort a few things out then will be over see you then love you xx

To Mum x

Thank you mum this is really appriciated thank you xx

"Sam" i shout

"What? Whats Wrong?"

"Sorry nothing haha just mum said she will be over in a hour to babysit rosie tonight"

"YES!! That really helps yeah yeah yeahh!!"

"Hahaa alright sam well mums coming over in a hour so we need to get Rosie ready for bed because mum wont want to do that really"

"okay well i'll go get her ready and you go get your best clothes on okay"

                                                   -45 minutes later-

"sam im ready"

"Me too and so's rosie, you took ages!"

"sorry just was also getting my phone sorted as well"

"okay baby no worries, Rosie needs her feed before we go hun, so your mum doesnt have to worry about using the bottles on the left because she has to use the ones on the right"

"Okay go and sort your hair out, its a mess hahaa na baby jokes you look gorgeous"

"i will go sort it out and you sort rosies Dinner out alright since i cant do that"

"okay baby" i give him a kiss before slouching myself onto the sofa and start feeding Rosie"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -10 minutes later-

"right shes asleep and- Woaaahh you look hot"

"Aww thank you but look at you, you little stunner"

"i look a state but it'll have to do because were going to be late" just as i finished my sentance my mum turned up at the door.

"hey mum"

"Hey sweetie"

"Right rosies already asleep in her crib and should be asleep for a while but if she wakes up then her bottles are in the fridge already done and you need to warm them up at-"

"El i know what im doing i did have you and your brother remember"

"okay well look after my baby please mum"

"El she will, your mums going to be fine, there is food in the cupboards and the tele is all working now if you want to watch it and theres a spare bedroom at the back if you fancy a kip but just take rosies baby monitor with you"

"Okay, right you two will be late, off you go now"

"okay bye mum" i kiss her on the cheek and begin to walk out.

Sam does the same and walks out.

Right so the story goes on amd Sam and Ella are getting on so well but then something happens, Something major happens and it turns everything right around,

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