Chapter 3- We Meet Aydyn- Ella s Ex-Boyfriend:L

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Since Sam could drive, he quickly ran towards his bow z4 2.5 Cabriolet and opened the door for me letting me go in as he shut the door behind me. He quickly ran around the car, jumped in and drove off. After a 25-minute ride from his parents' house, we finally got to Sam's flat. I walked in and it was amazing and gorgeous.

"Is this really yours?"

"Yes... my grandparents brought it for me on my 17th birthday."

"Well I love it... and I love you!!"

He whirled me around and kissed me; that moment I wanted it to last forever.

2 days later....

It was the moment of truth, I had to tell my dad that I was pregnant and I've been really scared to tell him because he still thinks of me as his "little baby girl" and to be honest I think he won't be happy about my little surprise.

Sam and I were outside of my parent's front door, I was trembling but I needed to suck it up so I opened the door and walked in.

Mum greeted us first as she whispered, "You need to tell your dad, I literally can't hold it in much longer Ella and your brother is getting suspicious too!"

"Yeah I know, I really need to tell them but me and Sam are really worried of what his expression is going to be and if they're going to make a big deal out of it"

"Babe" Sam replied, "You know your dad and brother you know that their going to be shocked but they will help you, that's what family are for baby."

"Yeah I suppose" I sulked.

As I walked over to my dad and brother, I was really petrified. I didn't know what his reaction was going to be on the fact that I was pregnant with Sam's baby? Why did I leave this so late? I mean they have probably cussed me out already but I needed to explain myself.

"Hey dad, hey Jake."

"Hey sweetie" said dad.

"Hey Ella" said Jake.

"Urmm could I pull you aside for a few minutes to explain something to you two?"

They both commented "Yeah sure" so we all went into dads office.

"Right stay here I need to get someone."

Dad and Jake looked really confused and then their faces turned all skew-whiff and wondered why I brought Sam into here but they didn't say anything.

"Right, now I'm all ready to tell you what I have wanted to tell you."

Jake said in a serious manor "Right Ella will you please just tell us because I don't know about dad but I'm really worried."

Sam cut in and said, "Well you know the other night when you, your wife, and Jake went out the other night, well Ella and I took advantage of our free will..."

"So what are you telling us? Ella is pregnant or something?" he said jokingly.

Ella commented "Well....yeah.... but dad please don't hate me, mum hasn't known about this long, she guessed about 2 days ago where as I couldn't tell you because I knew you still thought of me as your little girl and I was really scared that I was the youngest because I'm 17 and Jake is 21 and I'm having a family before Jake."

Dad said back "well I am really disappointed Ella I didn't think you were sexually active..."

God I hate it when parents use the term "sexually active" just as I finished that thought, Jake ran out.

"But I mean I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to" Dad added.

Just then my face dropped I knew for a fact Jake wouldn't like this, why did I have to be so stupid and get pregnant at this age, but this baby is mine and Sam's so we have to look after it.

"Dad, mum , Sam am I are going to my scan tomorrow would you want to come?"

"Well of course I would princess" just then dad held his arms out to give me the most cuddliest cuddle ever.

A secret between you and me Sam's cuddles are a lot better but don't tell him.

The next day after that moment, I had to tell the rest of my family about my pregnancy.

It was the day of my 5th scan, I was so happy to see my baby in the screen again, Sam was so supportive but Jake refused to come because he was so mad at me.

Sam met me at my house so we could go to the scan together.

"Hey Ella" Sam said, "I'm just going to get your pillow because you need to rest your neck through car journeys."

I agreed just because I wasn't in the mood to argue

Sam walked upstairs into my room and picked up my pillow and I heard the door shut.


I picked up Ella's pillow and the door slammed shut. i turned around and there was Jake with his arms crossed; Jake and I used to be best mates before he moved up to the country and by the looks of things he wasn't too happy that I got his little sister pregnant!

"Hey Jake."

"I have one question I want to ask you."

"That is?"

"Why did you decide to take advantage of the moment you two were alone? I thought you were meant to be my best mate, not knock my little sister up?"

"To be honest with you Jake I don't know, I love your sister with all of my heart. Well to be honest with all the world, when she told me she was pregnant, I was the happiest man alive, I was thrilled to know we were going to have a baby, I mean I was a bit scared at first but she's soothed me."

"Well all I'm saying is I don't hate you, your my best mate BUT! If I see you knock her about, mess her about it'll be the last thing you ever do believe me."

I looked confused "I love Ella I would never ever mess her about, she has my child growing inside her and she is beautiful I love her soo soo much and I wouldn't change her for the world Jake."

Just then the door falls open it was Ella hearing our conversation.

"Sorry to split up your conquest to make me unhappy Jake, I just need Sam to come as were going to be late and you're being stupid and not wanting to come."

"Ella I'm not trying to make you unhappy, I'm just concerned that's all, he is my best mate and he needs to treat you fairly and worthy okay."

I grab Sam's hand not listening to what Jake has to say quickly pulling him out before something happened between the two.

We got in the car and drove to the hospital to have my scan. we were seated in the waiting room and I was beside Sam, he got a lot of girls attention around him but wasn't taking any notice as he was to focused on me and looking into my eyes. Suddenly, guess who walked in? AYDYN!! My ex-boyfriend.

He walked up to Sam and me as Sam's eyes narrowed and looked at him in the eyes and said

"Can I help you?"

Aydyn was staring into my eyes making me feel soo uncomfortable. Sam realized how I felt and he stood up, looked down on Aydyn.

He asked again "Excuse me, can I help you? You seem to be making my girlfriend uncomfortable?"

Aydyn confidently said, "Well I'm sorry but she is my ex! I just miss her that is all!"

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