Chapter 2

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Just as I put the phone down, I heard some footsteps behind

me. I smiled and was about to turn around but he gripped my waist in such a

romantic way it made me really happy that he was here, he kissed my neck and

turned me around.

"Heya baby, is everything okay with your mum?"

"Yeah babe she just was letting me know that she wasn't

going to be home so you and I have to find something to do."

Quickly he replied "well I have one thing I wanna do" he said giggling.

I replied "Baby, you're a bit frisky today aren't you!"

He commented back really happily "OH WAIT GUESS WHAT TODAY IS?"

I said "It's our 3 month anniversary baby, in exactly 9 minutes it will be the day and time 3 months ago that you asked me out"

"Aww you remembered"

"Of course I remembered, I'll always remember our anniversary, till I die!"

I looked up at Sam and stated that I needed to get dressed and that I needed a minute.

He said "What?...... not like I haven't seen you before?" as he laughs.

"Yeah haha obviously but I just need a minute"

He stated "Okay baby I'll respect your privacy, I'll go make you and I some breakfast " he smiled and walked off downstairs.

After 10 minutes he shouted up, "Well that's a long minute."

I walked downstairs "Well girls need a lot more time to do their hair and clothes babe."

"Well I don't think you need any time because you're beautiful in every way possible."

I bit my lip and went all embarrassed and looked away, he grabbed my hand and pulled

me towards a table lit up by a candle in the middle. I looked at him and gave him the "You didn't have to go to this much effort" look and he looked back.

He said "I know for a fact that your past boyfriends never did anything like this so I wanted to be the first."

I looked at him in delight, and thought to myself I've finally found someone who understands and appreciates me, am I dreaming?, no snap out of it, he loves me and he's willing to stick with me.

Just then, a sudden unwanted thought sprung to my mind, the thought of me being pregnant? I needed to find out if i was or not?

So I sprung up out of the seat and went upstairs really quickly.

I heard Sam shout "Ella are you okay?" and after that he ran up after me.

I was getting dressed into my high waisted gold-buttoned shorts, my baggy lacy top and tucked it into my shorts then grabbed

my Jordan heels and quickly put them on. Grabbing my bag and my phone I texted my friend Becky to meet me at the pharmacy. Sam was really worried and was freaking out, I turned around and looked at him.

"Sam don't worry, I just need to check something I'll be back in 15 minutes okay?"

"Can't I come with you? I wanna be with you Ella?"

"Sam just wait here, I'll grab a couple movies on the way back okay?"

Well he agreed to let me go and so I walked out, rang a taxi and met Becky at the pharmacy. I told her what happened with Sam and I last night and that there may be a possibility that I might be pregnant.

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