Chapter 8

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"Who are you?"

"i want to see ella"

"well you cant see my GIRLFRIEND Ella"

"oh your girlfriend im very sorry, i just have to see her real quick"

i turn around to see Ella walking down the stairs with Rosie

"hey Sam, she needs her ..Wait whos that?"

"i dont know, he says he needs to see ypu?"


as i come closer to the door i say "urmm well im sorry i dont know who you are?"

"im George"

"Yes but why would i know you?"

"well we used to date around a year back"

Sam cuts in "is that the douche that caused you all that pain and threats?"

"Urmm well are you?, i honestly dont remember who you are"

"No i wouldnt ever do that to you, you dumped me and i dont know why"

"Well neither do i, and if you would excuse me i have to feed her because shes getting restless"

i walk over to the kitchen and place rosie into her bouncer chair so i can get her bottle ready and i glance over at the guys every once and a while


"right mate, i dont know who you are and neither does Ella so i guess you've got the wrong girl, i understand that you fancy her i know shes gorgeous but shes also mine mate"

"im sorry for invading your space but isnt her name Ella howard?"

"Yes, im going to give you a test to see if this is the girl you are on about"


"Whats her favourite colour?"


"hmm... Middle name?"


"no its marie"

"oh okay, we didnt know each other that well, she and i just decided to keep it a physical relationship thats all, if you get me?"

"yeah i totally get you but she were a virgin when she met me mate and that was 11 months ago"

"oh okay it was two years today that i met her"

"so i came to say hello"

"im sorry mate but its midnight, shes trying to get her daughter of to sleep and with us chattin here its not really working so i guess its your cue to leave"

"Yeah i guess but i didnt know she was pregnant...whos the father?"

"Your lookin at him mate"

"oh you are, alright then, sees you later"

I whisper Hope not



I shut the door and Ell had already made her way upstairs,shes in bed cradling Rosie and rocking her to sleep. i walk into the bathroom to you know to use the bathroom and i come out and shes asleep with rosie next to her, so i pick Rosie up and take her into her room, place her into her crib and tuck her in so shes nice and warm, i turn her Farm animal Mobile on so if she wakes up she has something to look at.

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