Chapter 5

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Ellas P.O.V

He was cuddling me from behind, I felt so Safe and Warm i turned around and smiled, and turned back, my phone started to ring but it was an unknown number so Sam said i couldnt answer it and he wasnt going to either, Sam had just fallen asleep a few minutes after my phone rang, God he was tired, anyway i some how managed to get to my brothers room whilst sam was asleep, i walked in.

"hey Jake"

"oh hey Ella, wheres Sam?"

"Oh he's asleep, i just came to see if your alright?"

"Yeah im good thanks, didnt realise how big you are already"

"yeah ive noticed lately how big ive gotten"

I lift up my shirt and look in the mirror, "She's just Growing so fast"

Jake holds my Stomach and looks at me

"Ella i want you to know that i won't let an harm come to you,"

Jake was cut of by Sam walking in.

"Oh hey Ella,"

"Sorry, You were asleep and i couldn't sleep as i'm in a bit of pain"

"Oh are you?, Where?"

" Just under my stomach, around my Abdomen"

"Aw Baby, I'm sure its nothing but we will go and see the doctor, ill go ring them for you, be right back "

Sam walks out of the room to go and ring the Doctor

"Hey Ella "said Jake " Me and Mary have got you a few baby things so we finally have a chance of giving them to you today"

"Wait Mary's here?"


"You didnt tell me, where is she?"

"Just gone for a shower, She should be out in a minute"

"It's been ages since i last saw her, why do you keep her away from me?" I Say in a joking tone

"I Don't want her to catch your Pregnancy Germs" he laughs

"Hey!" I hit his arm

Mary walks in, In her Baige Chinos and Flowy Tunic Top and Gladiator Sandles


"Hey Ella, I've Missed you"

Hugging Mary i say " I have Missed you so much literally you've Missed alot"

"I can see that"- looking down at my stomach in joking tone

I Laugh "Yeah i guess Everything got a little of hand"

"Yeah well Your not to Far off now and Who's the Lucky Boy then?"

"Oh he's called Sam and he's just ringing the Doctor in my room, go and see him if you want?"

"Why's he calling the Doctor?"

"I'm having really bad pains and he insists in calling the Doctor, I Said No but He insists"

"Oh, Sweetheart I'm sure its nothing, Probably Just Standard Pregnancy Pains, I Wouldnt Know"

Mary gives me a Hug and Walks out of Jake's Room into Mine.


So I finish talking to Ella and I begin to walk into her room, To Find Sam on her bed facing the wall speaking to the Doctor.

I walk up behind him, he turns around in fright

"Sorry Sam didn't mean to startle you"

"Oh, Hey Mary, Don't worry about it"

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