Halloween Event Chapter 2

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"Wait you invited this nigga into your house?" said Valentine

"Bitch what the fuck is wrong with yo stupid ass!" said Brave

"Y'all know my house is big as fuck so don't trip"

"I mean it's your house" I started laughing a little bit and blushing "Mm you getting hot?" I could sense the sarcasm in his voice

"Hah no this time I'm blushing"

"Mm I knew I'd make you cave and admit it"

"Whatever" I hide my smile form him. He grabbed my face and pulled it his direction

"Don't ever hide your smile it's beautiful" I looked into his beautiful eyes. They looked like a cup of coffee. Like a pool of unexplored emotions and love.

"Umm let me grab my keys to the front door" breaking our connection to look for my house keys in my bag. My mother always told me to keep the front door key just in case something were to happen and I guess this is the "In case" part.

"Well you know yo momma is like a fortune teller so" said Valentine

"Mm true"

"I umm found it" looking back into his eye's

"OK" he licked his lips. His gaze sent chills up my spine. I opened the door of his car and stepped out. He followed right in behind me.

I put the key into the hole to turn the tumblers to unlock the door. I pushed open the front door to reveal a dark house. I stepped in and walked over to my left to turn on a lamp that sat not too far from the door, as soon as I turned on the light the darkness within disappeared and the light took over. All of the light's came on and expose my somewhat of a gorgeous house. I turned around to see Jared locking the door behind him.

"Would you like the grand tour?" he turned around and lifted and eyebrow

"The grad tour?" he mimicked the sound of my voice, but in a more lustful tone

"Yes, The grand tour" he stepped a little closer to me, so the I could see his tall cup of coffee eye's that once had me in a daze

"And what might that consist of?" I stepped a little closer to him. I placed my hand of his left peck and rested it there softly

"Anything you want"

"Wait hold the fuck on where you flirting with this dumb ass" said Valentine

"No, I was just fucking with him"

"Mhm sounds like to me you were flirting with him, but go ahead" said Brave

"You're fucking with me aren't you?"

"Well I'm just playing along" I had an evil smile on my face. He let out a slight chuckle

"So, this grand tour" I smiled and showed him around my humble abode. After a couple of minutes of walking around my house we finally reached my room

"And this is my room" I opened the door and turned on the light's to reveal my navy blue and yellow beach themed room. My bed sat up against my window that was reflecting off the beautiful full moon. I walked over to shut my blinds. I had trophies sitting up on my wall form when I and my all-star cheer leading team went to nationals and a couple of my world's rings sitting in a glass case. I had my name spelled out in big huge letters that hung right behind my T.V. in color order to my room of course. I had a desk sitting over in the corner with the new Mac Laptop and Desktop sitting on their considering at the fact that my mother works for Apple. The door to my (in Valentines words "Hanna Montanan") walk-in closet was open. I walked on the other side of my room and closed it.

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