Chapter 14

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~ Brave POV ~

I was jamming to Chrisette Couple Of Forever's in my car. I came to a red light I looked in my mirror to check myself to make sure that a bitch was looking beat all the way.

I just so happen to turn my head and look at the car that was next to me and seen this boy that I go to school or someone that I thought I went to school.

I haven't seen him at school in a minute I think his name is Josh or something mexican. I mean not trying to be racists, or anything because I love me some mexicans they treat their women like queens and with so much respect. Blacks well mmm we haven't even got there yet nor will we ever get there.

The light turned green and I drove off even forgetting about ol'boy. I pulled into the parking lot of chick fil a because ya girl was hungry. I got out my car and locked it, because now a day people will steal anything they can get there hands on. I went to reach for the door, but someone opened the door for me

"Let me get that for you"

"Thank you" I didn't even pay them any mind I just stood in the line thinking over what I wanted.

"I can help the next person in line" I guess that's me

"Hi, can I get a the chick-fil-a nuggets with the chick-fli-a sauce and a strawberry lemonade"

"Is that all?"

"Umm I guess a strawberry milkshake"

"OK that's $20.21" I reached for my wallet out of my Gucci bag. I was looking for the $20 that I had, but it wasn't in there.


"It's ok I got you" I tired to check myself before I made one of my faces. I looked over and seen some ugly ass boy with a gold grill in his mouth. I looked down and seen his Bank of America card. I just started laughing.

"No I got it" I pulled out my Platinum American Express card

"Oh my bad"

"Yeah yo bad, thank you" I walked out and got in my car and left. I came to another red light and for some strange reason I looked over to my left and seen that same person form before, but this time was different. We meet eye to eye I felt lost in a daises his gaze was so seductive I felt drown in somehow even thought we were in different car's.

I felt as if I was right next to him. As our hands intertwined, his hands were so soft and genital. as he leaned in to kiss me my day-dream was interrupted by the car's honking behind me. I drove off not even realizing that the light had changed.

"What was that?" I got a little hot and bothered for some reason. I drove the rest of the way home in silence.

I walked through the door and went in my room undressed and turned on the shower. I went into the closest to pick out some boy shorts and a big shirt.

As I stepped into the shower I let the water hit my caramel skin, running over my double D breast. Running down reaching my thighs, I crested my breast as the water hit my body over and over again.

I did my hygiene things as I stepped out the shower I rapped a towel around my body. I heard a knocking on my bedroom door. I was confused for a minute because I live alone (That's a story for another time). I opened the door and seen was my sister Sarah.

"Sarah I forgot you were here"

"Yeah, hey can you run to the store for me and get some pads and sour patch kids for me please here's $30 just in case its not enough and you can put the rest in your tank" She handed me the money

"Yeah let me but on some lotion"

"Ok Just when ever" I closed the door and locked it.

I put on my Pink body lotion. I put on my blue boy shorts and my too big shirt that said "B.I.G" on the front of it and on the back it say Beautiful, Intelligent, and Glamorous. I grabbed my car keys and went to Walmart.

I sat at another red light. I looked around hoping to see my mystery boy, but he was no were to be found.

I pulled into the parking lot in normal spot by the damn door so I can get in and out and it was midnight to so all the niggas were out. I walked in and went straight for what I need.

I was looking for some pads that my sister use, but I didn't see them. I bent down to get a closer look, but still no luck I rose back up to feel a set of hands on my waist and a set of lips on my neck.

The person raised up my shirt slowly making a soft moan escape form lips. There hands were so soft like silk so I knew who it was. I turned around to face them with nothing but my breast out because I forgot to put on a bar.

"What are you doi.." I was cut off by his big pink lips. His big muscular arm's rapped around my waist pulling me in further into the kiss, our tongue were fighting for domination as his hands squeezed my ass making me moan against his lips.

He picked me as if I were weight-less I left as thought nothing could mess up this moment. As we were kissing he moved form my lips to my neck. I had one hand on his back and hand on his head, I pushed his head down further and dug my nails into his back.

He held me up by my ass, Then we started falling I jolted because I thought that we were going to fall into the shelf's behind us. We ended up falling onto as queen size bed with silk sheets that had a canopy over it much like mine.

Before I knew it I held a hand full of the sheets as he pounded into my box's leaving me wanting more. The further he thrusted the more I arched my back and screamed out loudly as I clawed his back. I shut my eyes tight seeing stars remembering nothing else form this wondrous event.

I'm amusing it was the next day, because I was awaken by the beam's of light that came thought the curtain behind the bed. I rolled over to see the mystery person staring back at me. He was a dark skin boy that had a box with a part left side of his head a mustache and a small goatee.

"Good morning sexy" His deep voice sent chill's up my spine and goosebumps all over my body

"Good Morning, wait I don't even know your name..." I trailed off for a minute "Wait I don't even know you, omg I just slept with a complete stranger"

"Well we weren't strangers last night and by the way my name is BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" I shook my head in disbelief

"Wait whats your name" I sat up in the bed

"I said BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP" The noise ringed over and over again I closed my eye's tightly and opened then again only too look around and see I was in my room. I removed my hands away form my ear's and looked to the left to notice my alarm clock going off I was pissed to the max. I took my fist and bashed on top of the alarm clock. Was I dreaming? Or was it real? I mean it felt real.

I sat there for a minute in my bed looking around. Wait why are these sheet wet?


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