Falling in love in an ice storm: Chapitre Neuf

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Chapter 9

Olivia's Point Of View:

I had no idea how much time had passed by. I was frozen. I couldn’t move, breathe, nothing! My brain was on stand by, my mind…Then I realized what was going on. I released myself from Eliot’s grasp, breaking our kiss.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”, I hissed. I couldn’t risk Ethan hearing us, I mean, I could just imagine what would be the outcome of our relationship if Ethan walked in now. Eliot laughed.

“Why? You can’t say you didn’t like it. After all, you did kiss me back”, he said, crossing his arms, cocking his head to the side.

“I most certainly did not. Don’t lie, Eliot! And what does this all mean?!”, I openly yelled now. You could say I was starting to hyperventilate. “How can you be such a jerk? I am, after all, dating your brother. How can you be this way?” Eliot looked like my words hurt him, but it was definitely him acting. Not like something could hurt that son of a bitch. As I realized the bastard won’t say anything I threw my hands in the air exasperated. “Look, you tend to do these kind of things when you’re drunk, so I won’t take it seriously, ‘cause I know what it’s like to be wasted, so…Look, this”, I said, motioning my finger between us, “never happened.” I turned around on my heel, walking away, leaving Eliot standing there, his head lowered, even though I could feel his gaze on my back. I headed towards the room my love was in.

As soon as I rushed inside the room, I quickly took a glance at Ethan, sitting there, laughing at something Danny said. I instantly smiled at the sight of him. He always made me react like that every time I see him. But, there was this pang of guilt and embarrassment when he looked at me, his eyes momentarily lighting up. I forced a smile, sitting next to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I felt electricity run up through my body at his touch, and I lightly bit my lip.

“How’s he?”, I felt Ethan’s warm breath tickle my ear. I partly turned around, afraid to face him.

“Um, he’s, um…” I had no freaking idea of what to say. So I just blurted out first simple lie that came to me. “I haven’t exactly found him. He’s probably around the halls.”

“Uh-huh, um, okay”, Ethan answered insecurely. I glanced at his face to see if he bought it, and I guess I’m gunna make a good liar some day. Somehow, I wasn’t really happy about it. I converted my gaze towards the rest of our little group.       

They were still playing that silly game, laughing at each others’ voices. I smiled at them, but then I realized that Zee was gone.

“Hey, where’s Zee?”, I asked my question, waiting for him to answer.                                        

“She’s in the kitchen, making us a snack”, Ethan said, giving me a peck on the lips. I smiled and nervously chuckled, before getting up, headed towards the kitchen. I knew I could tell Zee everything, and I just had to get this off of my chest.

Eliot’s Point Of View:

I massaged my forehead as I roamed around the hallways. I couldn’t go back to the room right now. The kiss kept replaying in my mind, and I couldn’t stop it. Jeez, her lips were so soft, I thought as I absent mindedly touched my lips.

Dude! This is all about the bet, right? Right?

I knew she enjoyed the kiss. She did kiss me back, even though she’s not aware of that. I grinned. I always had that effect on girls. But that wasn’t what worried me. What did worry me was that…spark, that shot of electricity I felt when our lips locked. A goofy smiled plastered on my lips.

Why the hell am I smiling?

God, I’m such an idiot. I’m not falling for her, right? But then again, I love seeing her mad at me, I love seeing her grinning, her laugh was like music to my ears. I felt like this only once. I immediately frowned, remembering Addison’s beautiful face. No, I will stop thinking about her, right now!

But, she’s the only person you ever loved, and now you’re starting to feel the same about Olivia, that traitorous voice in my head spoke again.

No, I most certainly can’t fall for this girl. As much as I want to destroy my brother’s feelings, I will wait until there was some other girl. I can’t risk falling for this girl.

Olivia’s Point Of View:

“Oh. My. God! He…kissed you?”, Mackenzie spat out, her mouth forming an ‘O’. “Twice?!” I closed my eyes, fighting back my hyperventilating.

“Yes. And now I have no idea what to do. We’re gunna be stuck in here for God knows how long, and I’ll have to deal with him every freaking day. I feel so guilty, even though Eliot’s the one who should be feeling it, I mean, how can he do that to his own brother. I can’t even look Ethan in his eyes…”

“Whoa, whoa, girl, calm down”, Zee said, waving her hands in front of me. “It’ll be fine. Look, you said this happened before at the party and that he was wasted, right? So, you know, maybe there’s a glimpse of a chance that he might not remember what he just done”, she said, crossing her arms around her chest, obviously satisfied with what she came up with. I, on the other hand, just looked at her like she was crazy.

“Mackenzie, my brother hit you like a lightning bolt. Your brain seems to be on vacation right now, huh?”, I said, slightly hitting her on her forehead. Mackenzie winced, before glaring at me. “Look, I did say he kissed me before, and that’s exactly what makes you theory wrong. He did remember what he had done. What makes you think he won’t remember this kiss?”, I asked her, frustrated.

“Well, I don’t know. We’ll figure it out, I promise! Right now, we have a bigger problem! You know, like getting out of here”, she said, motioning to the room with her hands. I frowned, knowing she’s right. No wonder why she’s the brain of our trio. I smiled at her, shoving the memory of mine and Eliot’s kiss in the darkest corner of my mind.

“Now, help me get these sandwiches to the rest of the gang”, Zee said taking one of the plates with tasty looking sandwiches and storming out of the room, leaving me alone in the kitchen. I shook my head taking the other plate, but before I opened the door I couldn’t help but smiling at the thought of Eliot’s soft lips.  


Hey! Yeah, I'm not dead! Yaaay...no? Huh.

Okay, I know this chapter is soo not long enough to make it up to you guys who has been reading this story and I'm utterly sorry.

First there's this pain in the ass school, then homework, then boyfriend, then life (you know what I'm talking about) and then, like a cherry on top of the sundae, I caught a flu...

Yeah, just me and my luck, right?

Okay, so my sister made a Wattpad account and I would appreciate it if you guys check her story 'My life with the Willingham players', it would be awesome if you do that. The link to her profile is on mine :)

Now, I won't really bother you guys with this A/N 'cause it's pretty late from where I'm from and I have school tomorrow AND on top of it all I still haven't exactly recovered from the flu so I already see dancing bunnies jumping around my head so...

Yeah, I'm off to get some sleep.

Love you, guys!

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2013 ⏰

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