Falling in love in an ice storm: Le Chapitre Cinq

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Chapter 5

Olivia's Point Of View:

“You did what?!”, Jen and I yelled in unison. Zee chuckled, glancing through the window before shivering a bit. She was always an uneasy flyer.

“Wanna switch seats?”, I asked her, giving her a sympathetic look. I wasn’t really one of those people who are really scared of flying, but I still prefer cars over planes.

“Nope, I’m fine, I-“, she started, but was rudely interrupted by Jen.

“Whatever, just get to the point! You and Logan?! What the hell?”, Jen yelled, causing our math and history teachers give us annoyed glares. I apologized for Jen before turning towards Zee. She blushed a little. Aww!

“Look, it’s no biggie. It was just a kiss. Not even a kiss…it was more like a peck! Nothing, really!”

“Oh, don’t you give me that talk, missy! It was more than a kiss, I saw how he ran after you before”, I said, grinning at her.

“Aw”, Jen cooed. “He ran after you?”

“What? No! He went to a…a vending machine! He didn’t ran after me”, Zee blurted out, blushing.

“Yeah, he did! Zee, we’re your best friends. And I’m not gunna make you say anything ‘till you’re ready, okay?”, I said, giving her a goofy smile. I glanced at Jen, seeing she was about to revolt. I quickly put a hand over her mouth. “A-a-ah! No! Shut up! She’ll say when she wants to. ‘Till then shut it, got it?”, I managed to say in incredible speed. She rolled her eyes and nodded.

“Jeez, fine!”, she said, pouting like a five year old. I laughed at her childishness, turning my attention to my phone. I was texting to Logan, trying to dig up some dirt about what happened between him and Zee the other night. Alas, all I got was, and I quote:

Be patient, little Skywalker! Suck it up, you sneaky little brat. She’ll probably tell you everything. XOXO’

I rolled my eyes at his message. He started really cute…but then he turned it into a nerve sucking hole where my last three nerves just fell in. I suppressed myself from groaning. Yeah, our usual conversation looks like that. A typical brother-sister talk.

You know what?! You’re such an a**hole! XOXO

Not even fifteen seconds after I hit a sent button I got his message.

You know you love me! XOXO

Yeah, he just needed to add ‘gossip girl’ at the end. I quickly turned off my phone, ‘cause the flying attendant was walking past us.

“Oh, Livy”, Jen sang. I raised my eyebrows questioningly. “The lover boy’s here”, she said in a sing-sang voice, pointing her head towards Ethan who was standing next to our seat. I looked at him, smiling widely. God, I must’ve look like a Chesire cat. He blushed slightly, pointing his gaze towards the floor. I gave Jen a quick look.

“Uh, I think…um, Zee, I think…uh, Andrew’s calling us”, Jen said, failing her attempt to go away as natural as she could. Nice job, Jen, nice job. I suppressed the urge of slapping myself across the face. Zee, being the best home gurl she is, nodded quickly grabbing Jen onto her sleeve, pulling her up. They went to Andrew, who was stretched across the three seats, sleeping. I saw when Jen slapped him across his legs and when he jerked up, not knowing what’s going on. I laughed a bit, moving to a seat next to the window so Ethan could sit.

“Sorry ‘bout them”, I said smiling broadly, blushing. He laughed.

“Oh, they’re cool”, he said, looking me in my eyes. I blushed ever more deeply. My heart stopped when he laughed. “You should do that more often”, he said.

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