Falling in love in an ice storm: Le Chapitre Trois

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Chapter 3

Olivia's Point Of View:

I woke up around 4am, when I heard the door of my house open with a loud thud. I jerked up in my bed and checked the time on my phone. It was 3.52. I groaned, realizing that that was probably Gabriela. I threw myself back on the bed, putting my hand on my head. Then I heard the door of my room slowly opening and I saw that familiar black hair peek in my room. Logan’s eyes scanned my room before they set on me. He eyed me suspiciously.

“Why are you awake at this point?”, Logan asked me, while opening the door wide so he could step inside my room.

“Yes, Logan, you may come in”, I said sarcastically. “I’m awake because you don’t know how to be quiet”, I told him. I noticed Logan was looking around my room. I became very suspicious when he looked under my bed. “Um, Logan?”

“Hmm?”, he said absent mindedly, now standing in front of my wardrobe.

“What are you doing?”, I asked him confused. Then it hit me. “You won’t find any boy in here”, I told him, nonchalantly. Logan seemed to relax a bit. “They all ditched me…kind of”, I murmured quietly, making sure Logan haven’t noticed or hear anything. I crossed my arms around my chest. Then he returned his gaze to me.

“What was that?”, he asked me, sitting next to me on my bed. I looked at him.

Oh, that? That was nothing. I just accidentally made out with a school jerk!

“You did what?!”, Logan jumped on his feet and raised his eyebrows. He seemed mad. Ooh, that’s baaad… “Just tell me who it was, and I’ll make sure to cut off his…”

“Alright, alright! I don’t want to hear the end!”, I waved my hands in front of him, shutting my eyes closed.

“Well, did he hurt you? Drugged you?” God, Logan was over reacting.

“I’m not over reacting!” Did I just say that out loud? “You’re my little sister and my job, as a big brother, is to prevent you getting hurt on any possible way!”, he yelled, emphasizing last three word. “I just don’t want to see you hurt”, he said, little quieter this time. I raised my eyebrows. Could it be that Logan had an emotional side? I was kind of taken aback with this outpouring of emotions.

I remembered what happened just two hours ago and I couldn’t help it – the tears just started streaming down my face, softly falling on the silk sheets, leaving a little wet trail. I knew a dozens of ways Eliot could humiliate me, or even blackmail me. I shut my eyes closed, trying to get away from reality, but it wasn’t helping.

“Livy, sweetie, are you…crying?”, Logan asked, before wrapping his arms around me. I put my hands around his neck, sobbing quietly into his shirt. Usually, he would say something funny to cheer me up, but this time he just pulled me closer to him, placing his chin on top of my head. “That son of a bitch…”, I heard Logan say. When I calmed down a bit, he stroked my hair, standing up. “Listen, I know I wasn’t a good big brother over the years, but you’re my sis, Livy and I swear, when I see that guy I’ll beat him up to death for this”, he told me, getting out of my room. Before he closed the door he turned around. “Tell me one thing – was that Ethan?”

I shook my head. “No, it wasn’t, he ditched me, trying to save his relationship”, I said darkly. He smiled.

“Good. I like him, maybe I’ll let him live if he hurts you.”, he said, walking away. Then he turned around, realization shoving up on his face.. “It was Eliot, wasn’t it?”

Oh, God! “Um, yes?”, I answered, but it came out more as an question.

“I’m gunna kick his ass…Do you want a bowl of gummies?”, he suddenly asked. I smiled.

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