Falling in love in an ice storm: Chapitre Huit

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Chapter 8

Olivia's Point Of View:

I woke up early in the morning. The sun was just starting to rise, its rays covering the tops of the mountains that could be seen from the balcony Ethan I were on. I looked down. The snow was falling really hard since last night, so it covered the ground in a big layer.

I sighed getting up, noticing a blanket I was covered with. Aw, Ethan was so cute throwing it around me, I thought as I took off the blanket and put it over him. I didn’t want to wake him up so I tip toed to the room.

 I started making my way towards the door when I heard some shuffling from the couch in the living room. My curiosity worked so I glanced to see who it was. It was probably Mason, but I just wanted to check it out. I saw a black haired boy laying there, his back turned on me so I couldn’t see his face. I shrugged it off, walking outside of the room towards mine.

I walked inside my room, throwing myself on the bed, falling hardly asleep. I must admit, as sweet our date last night was, my back hurt so much from sleeping on the floor. I dozed off to sleep.


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned, turning around in my bed. My hand roughly landed on my phone, snoozing the alarm. Just 5 more minutes.

“Get up Olivia!”, I heard Eliot’s voice quickly tearing me from sleep. I groaned, opening my eyes, only to face his panicked expression. I narrowed my eyes.

“What the hell is wrong?”, I asked, not really bothering to be nice to him, as I watched him rush out of the room.

 I quickly got up, running after him. He came to the living room and I followed, only to see dozen of people in the room. I raised an eyebrow, glancing at each person there. Matt and Zee were walking up and down through the room, Zee murmuring some stuff. Jen was sitting on the floor in Danny’s arms, having a panic attack, Ethan was just coming inside the room, followed by Drew, Britney…and Lana? I shrugged it off, my gaze falling on Eliot, who was leaning on the wall, his arms crossed.

“What is going on?!”, I yelled, now starting to be seriously confused. I narrowed my eyes.

“Apparently, we’re trapped inside of this freaking hotel!”, Eliot snapped, clasping his hands together. My eyes widened in shock.

“We’re…trapped? What do you mean ‘trapped’?”, I asked, starting to have a panic attack.

“Ugh, trapped, imprisoned, stuck, whatever you wanna call it. Jeez!”, Lana answered my question, receiving a glare from Ethan. She rolled her eyes at him.

“Alright, I just asked! And when did you even got here?”, I said, annoyed with her already. If we’re stuck, this is gunna be interesting time spent here.

“For your information I got here yesterday, before this white crap started falling”, she said, motioning to the window. I glanced at it, shocked to see that everything outside was white. There was an ice storm out there!

“The snow blocked the entrance. The rest of the boys and I are gunna see I we can dig through the snow so we could get out”, Ethan said, wrapping his arms around me protectively.

“Sounds like a plan”, Danny said, getting up, as he motioned Zee to come and take his place in tranquilizing Jennifer. I smiled. Maybe Danny wasn’t such a player as I thought. Or maybe he’s such a good actor as much as he’s a player, curious voice in my head spoke, but I decided I would ignore it.

“It was a wonderful date last night”, I muttered in Ethan’s ear. He chuckled, lowering the tension in the room. We were all filled with worry and stress because of the new situation we were in. He placed a light kiss on my lips that was interrupted by Lana’s fake cough.

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