Jarred & Alice

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Elisabeth's P.O.V 

I start making pancakes, well finding all the things I need to make it, this is a big kitchen and I have no idea where anything is. I feel a presents close by but no one is in the kitchen with me, someone lurking the door ways. 

      "Lurking in the halls ways is not the best way to introduce yourself." I call out, hewalk in his hand scratching the back of his head, his face little red. He was abig guy, bigger than Alec and Elijah and they are big. If he wasn't looking so embarrass now I would be scared turning around and seeing him, he had tattoos on his arms and has darkish blue sad eyes and brown almost black short hair, he looks like he belongs in the army as a secret dangerous jobs. He looks like he would be a big teddy bear, just by how he acts and smiles.

      "I am sorry, I didn't know.... I don't know. I am Jarred." He just admitted. I gavehim a small smile. 

      "Don't worry about it. As you may know I am Elisabeth." I smile.  "Do you wanna help me make pancakes?" I ask, he looks at me shocked, then looked a little hesitant, but then nods. "Good then can you show me were everything is I am so lost!" I admitted, he chuckled. It was nice seeing him chuckle, his dark blue eyes seem so sad, I so wanted to say something but I knew I can't come out and ask. As time passed the mixture all ready. "Close your eyes!" I excitingly say to him, he looked at me then shrugged and closed this eyes, I quickly sprinkle in the secret part of the recipe. "Okay okay you can open." I laughed, he shook his head and laughed at my silliness. 

      Then suddenly there was an odd baby cry coming from him making me then look at him weirdly, then I saw he had a baby monitor on him. 

      "YOU HAVE A BABY?!?!" I almost squealed and jumped up and down a little.

       "Er it's my sister Alice, she must be hungry." He says a small smile plays on his lips. 

         "Is there anything I can do??" I asked, I love babies!! Jarred gives me a big smile. He pointed to the baby formula, I nod and start making the bottle of milk while Jarred gets Alice. I can't help but get a little excited, I also quickly make some pancakes before Jarred comes back with a crying baby. I give Jarred the pancakes whole I take the little baby girl from his arms, as soon as she is in my arms she settles and I give her, her milk. She looks up at me with her blue eyes making me melt. "Jarred you can make more pancakes." I say to him as I sit at the bar stool. I quite love having a baby in my arms, I have always been told I am very maternal. I sing lightly to her, telling her how beautiful she is and rock slightly. I look up to see Jarred look at me in awe and behind him I saw my two mates looking in awe of me two. I kiss Alice's forehead. Alec walks over to me and wraps his arms around me, inhaling my scent. I could feel his stress.

          "You look lovely. Especially with the baby in your arms." He said stroking Alice head. 

          "She is beautiful." I let out a happy sigh as I burp her. "Jarred honestly, anytime you need help just tell me okay!" I tell him. "Gah I could just keep her!! Honestly, I might steal her." I told them.

      "Well right now she needs to sleep so hand her over. If you guys don't need me I will also head to bed." Jarred says, I reluctantly let her go, I could not help but pout. I feel both Alec and Elijah have their hands on me.

      "Don't worry we will have plenty of or own." Alec says, I nod my head. 

     "We might have to wait." I say turning to the guys. "1) So we get to chance for it to just be us and we learn to work together as a team. 2) I think if we did it subconsciously feel like a baby making machine. Which I know is not the case, but it would cross my mind seeing as we just met. 3) Plus with Caialie awaking,I think it would be too much." I say in deep thought. The boys nod in understandingly. "I do so want kids though." I tell them, and starting biting into some pancakes. 

     "Good."Both of them say, each taking my hand and we make our way upstairs and we walk into the bedrooms. 

    "Which room?" I ask. They look at each other.

     "Elijah's for tonight then tomorrow we can get a new big bed." Alec says and we walk in to Elijah's bed room. I walk to the bed and Alec pulls me back a little. "Woah there little mate, you were very cheeky before,running away from me like that. You are going to be punished." 


HEY Beautiful People!!!! 


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