Another Brother

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        "He is right, you will make a wonderful Luna." Elijah purrs into my ear making me giggle.

        "BROTHER!! I am home!!" A voice that made my stomach twist and heart melt, a man walked into the kitchen as soon as he saw me his eyes went dark. "Mine!" He growled he looked a lot like Elijah yet so different, he looks more dangerous and has a deadly sexy aura around him a lot stronger than his brother, which scared be.... yet kinda turned me on?????? As soon as he saw me his eyes went dark. "Mine!" He growled. Oh dear... how?! Oh dear this might turn out to be really bad. He grabbed me from Elijah who was growling deadly. This man help me tight and breathed in my scent. I got the same tingles from this man as I do with Elijah .... I am confused. Suddenly I am pulled from his arms and almost thrown to the grown hitting my head hard on the kitchen cupboards. When I look up I see a big fight between Elijah and the other guy. Who is Elijah's brother, and I am think it's his twin, they look so much alive but still have big differences, their eyes, Elijah's eyes are dark blue the other man's eyes are dark green. Both look so sexy.

       "ELIJAH!" I yell out, not getting their attention, no such luck.

       "ELISABETH STAY BACK!!!!" Kyle yells to me trying to stop the fight some with other pack members.

      "STOP!!! ALL OF YOU! STOP!!!!" I yell at them. Their fight is very animal like it looks like they are going to shift, something tells me if they do, it will be even more dangerous. I take deep breaths hating how loud it is. I step closer and closer. Taking a pan with me banging it with a spoon, just so they know I am coming.

       "ELISABETH! GO!" Kyle keeps yelling. More men try to break up the fight.

       "KYLE!!! Can you get the other men to stop?!" I yell to him, he nods his head and growls loudly at them men, who slowly walk away. Besides one man, he was close to me.

      "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" I roared, I grabbed his arm, which was a very, very bad idea. Next thing I know I get a blow to the head, making me loose balance and knock to the ground. Two very loud strong growling howls shook the house. I looked up the man looks so shocked, I in a seconded punched him in the neck, then with the pan hit him at the back of the knee. He was on the ground   grunting in pain, repeating his sorrys. "Get out of my sight!" I hissed at him, and he limped as fast as he could. I turn back to Elijah and his brother. Who are on breaking point, eyes both pitch black their breaths rapped. "Now listen to me... the both of you." I said my voice low and trying to be calm. "Breathe and get your wolves in check." I say starting to feel dizzy. I then touch the back of my head... blood, from when Elijah pushed me out of the way. Both their eyes widened at the sight of blood on my fingers. I step closer, feeling a little wobbly. "Stop fighting." I said placing my hand on the side of their faces, looking at both of them. I have no real idea what's going on, I am just going off instanced. I then fell to my knees and blacked out.

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