Chapter Two, Part One

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Happy Mother's Day! 

Chapter Two

I woke up to the sound of something frying in a pan and based on the smell I had to go with bacon. Normally I would smile and soak in the smell, but my heart literally hurt. I didn’t realize how much I missed Michael until I saw him again even though it was to threaten me. However, like all the times before, he was never there for long until he was gone again. I covered my face and tried not to cry, knowing if I did Gregori would come running. The moment he saw tears, he would piece together what happened. I never cried over the nightmares anymore.

So I got myself together and sat up, looking for something to wear. I found my second set of clothes I usually kept in a small bag in my car folded up in a decorative chair by the bed. He must’ve left at some point which had me worried.

From what I could…remember, the bathroom was downstairs so the possibility of me trying to get a glimpse of what I looked like wasn’t going to happen. I put on my spare set of clothes, finger combed my hair, and made my way down the completely white stairs. The kitchen was located directly across from the bottom and as soon as he heard me coming he turned to look. Gregori was standing there in jeans and a black polo, his feet completely bare, and looking none the worse for wear.

He smiled. “Morning.”

He put the spatula down and rubbed his hands on the kitchen towel. I didn’t really know how to field a situation like this so I just stood there for the moment feeling very awkward.

What was I supposed to say? What did it all mean?

Thankfully, he didn’t miss a thing and came to me instead of the other way around. My anxiety over the whole thing was drowned out temporarily as he cupped my cheek while kissing me on the forehead. My arms were crossed over my chest but dropped so I could just for a moment enjoy this.

Because it could never happen again.

I placed my hands gently on his sides and closed my eyes, breathing him in. My fingers curled in his shirt and for some reason they gripped tightly at the fabric. What in the hell was going on with me?

“Did you sleep ok?”

And then it was over, the anxiety coming back full force.

“How long was I asleep?”

“The first time or the second?”

I blushed and pulled back just a smidgen, my hands dropping to my sides. He noticed he said something wrong and quickly said something else.

“A few hours. It’s only eight.”

I wasn’t due in until noon when I would be receiving my first official partner and my department assignment. It was supposed to be easy stuff and I prayed they would pair me with someone who could keep up.

“Aren’t you supposed to be at the office?”

He took one of my hands and instead of getting just a little shock, I received a continuous zap. I still had no clue what that was supposed to mean and if I believed what he said the night before, he didn’t know what it meant either.

“I told them you drank way too much last night and you crashed here. I also told them you’d be back in time for the…partner thing.”

I nodded. “So you didn’t…” I sighed. “We should probably…talk about last night, about what happened.”

“You’re right but first you should eat something.”

“I’m a little nauseous so eating is out of the question at the moment.”

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