Chapter XVII: Deadly Connections

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     Waking up at sunrise, Adam seems fine but had left some bruises on his legs. Looking towards his right, he finds Macey who is currently bleeding to death. A metal rod has been punched into her stomach, which alerts Adam. He was even more terrified to see a carnage by the horrifying train wreck, feeling guilty as the man he killed was actually trying to help them. Lifeless bodies scatter around the landscape as Adam carries Macey to a nearby ambulance, both bringing them to the Eastern County Hospital. Macey had to go under immediate surgery by a specialist known as Dr. Wilson. He was the only one who could save Macey and had to be contacted immediately. Adam shouted at the doctor who was taking time to get there.

     As Dr. Wilson arrivied at the scene, Adam was so mad that he even had the guts to confront the doctor. "You goddamn bastard!!! Where have you fucking been?!?!?! What if your fucking wife died?! What will you do?!?!?! HUH?!?!?!" The doctor was terrified by his reaction on his performance, and just proceeded with Macey's surgery. Hours pass as the sun rolled out high enough. Macey made it and was stated to be fine. After the surgery, Adam visited Macey as he slowly wept upon her body. Dr. Wilson arrived with the bill. Adam fearlessly strides upon the nurses as he boxes the innocent doctor. "If you only made it on time! SHE WOULD BE STILL BLINKING HER EYES!!! I'm gonna slit your wife's throat and let her suck your goddamn dick!!!" Adam continues to confront the doctor, never even allowing him to say another word. Dr. Wilson just kept staring everywhere as he closed his left eye admist a black eye that thas been forming through Adam's punch. The doctor suddenly looked left and right as if he was blind. Adam kicks him on his nuts as Dr. Wilson ran off and left the bill on the floor scathed with small amounts of blood from the doctor's face. The nurses hold-off the paranoid man as he was shortly calmed down...

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