Chapter XII: Convinced With The Truth

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     Sarafina woke up the hospital lying down in silence as she glances at the doctors talking to the family members. The doctors left her room and left the family alone for some space. Ron approached her wife as he concluded something to her. "Honey, I'm so, so, sorry I didn't belive you..." Ron replied in fear of the murders and his misunderstanding on Sarafina's witness. "It's ok honey, What's good is that I'm fine and none of you guys got hurt" Sarafina forgives Ron for his mistake as the two kiss. "Though none of you guys got hurt, I'm just  quite lucky to not have a serious one like mom and Sarafina" Macey replied to all as she showed her wound in her arm. "I was clipped when one of the beams that fell accidentally while one of the ropes have snapped" With Macey showing her wound, Sarafina gets puzzled by the similar wounds the killer had. "Get away from her!" Sarafina shouted as she ordered Andrew to call the recovery department of Gound Zero. Macey was shocked upon the trust Sarafina had for her. "Guys, is it true that one of the cables snapped and got loose of some beams?" Ron immediately asked the personel. With the personel citing the truth, a cable indeed snapped which embarrasses Sarafina's thoughts of Macey being the killer.

     After the moment, Macey forgives Sarafina for the false account and leaves the room. This still puzzles Sarafina since Macey had identical wounds to the killer, but why would she show it? Perhaps she just really misunderstood her as the killer. The traumatized woman decided to sleep as Spencer arrived on the scene. "Mom! Are you okay" Sarafina's son asks her in nervousness as Sarafina told that she was fine. She decided to never tell Spencer's twin sister Sappihra for she didn't want to ruin their "Special Evening" together. After spending sometime with her, Spencer decided to stay outside for a while.

       Meanwhile, Macey goes to the restroom where she was all alone. She locks the door and pulls her sleeves up. She puts a bandage on her wound that Sarafina has given her. Pulling out a bloody knife from her pocket, it is revealed that she is the actual killer the whole time...

     Arriviing back at her room, Macey rests on the sofa where she conceptualizes her plan to kill her mother Kiara once more. She gets disturbed when Ron quickly got inside the room and announces something. "Hey honey, guess what? We are moving you with mom and both of you are now in the same room" Ron quickly broadcasts to the family with a thick smile on his face. "WHAT?!" Macey accidentally blurts out as she was shocked. The family was weirded out by her words as she immediately responded. "What? I'm surprised that she's moving in with mom" Macey replies quickly with the people believing her thoughts. Macey was still shocked and planned that She had to get rid of Sarafina first before  she could get closer to Kiara.

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