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ALRIGHTY THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO @thetessfiles bc she is my best friend ever, and she totally inspired me to get this story up and running again. comment what you want to happen, I might work it into the story ;)
Pic of Dalton is wherever the pictures are based on what device ur using \_(*~*)_/ also I have a Dalton Rappatoni fic if ya wanna check dat out
I was floating on air for the next few days after the kiss. Johnnie and I didn't talk as much, leaving our communication to shy glances and flirty smiles. My euphoric mood didn't last for long though.
My actions hadn't gone unnoticed by the band. I'm pretty sure Jake and Jinxx suspected something was up the very first day. Me and Johnnie were a grenade, and the kiss had pulled the pin. As soon as Andy found out, the bomb would explode.
I was chilling in the False Puppet merch tent with Dalton Rappatoni, one of the merch guys, or 'Guardian of the Merchandise' as he jokingly called himself. He was telling me a story about a purple-haired girl who came up to him one of the past few Warped days who was so excited to meet him she accidentally broke one of those cheapo cardboard fans handed out by Fueled by Ramen. (A/N that is a true story. that was me lol) It was a funny story, and I was giggling so hard that I didn't notice Dalton's eyes growing wide at something (or someone) behind me. All of a sudden I heard a deep "Having fun?" behind me. I turned around to see a very pissed Andy glaring at me. I excused myself from the conversation I was having with Dalton and walked with Andy back to our bus, trying hard not to fly off the handle at him. Andy always ruined my fun. Just because he was my cousin didn't mean he could boss me around. I was 17! You would think I could take care of myself, but according to Andy, that was out of the question. When we were close to the tour bus, I let it all out.
"Andy! What the hell! I was just having friendly conversation! Do you want me to have no friends? Just cuz my parents-"
"I heard about the kiss." Oh. That.
"I'm 17, and it's not like I haven't had a boyfriend before. I can take care of myself!" We got inside the bus to find it empty. The rest of the band must have been with Asking Alexandria, hanging out in their bus.
"I don't trust that Johnnie. He's too nosy. You tubers just have too many cameras around." He wrinkled his nose in distaste.
"Oh, like the paparazzi don't follow you? You're a rock star!"
"I just want you to be safe. People can be cruel."
"Whatever. I'm gonna take a nap. Okay? Can I do that, Mr. Biersack?" I asked sarcastically. He grunted in annoyance. I moaned in frustration, throwing myself on the bunk. I was asleep in minutes.
Johnnie's POV

Editing videos is so. Freaking. Annoying. It takes forever, especially Warped vlogs, so I can never get a vlog out that day, or even the next day! I clicked on to some footage to edit, and I saw something... strange. There was a girl, with bright blue eyes, dyed black hair, and lip rings, but I didn't recognize her at all! How could I just forget a person, let alone someone I filmed with? I kept watching.
"So, Juliette, how's Warped Tour so far?" So her name is Juliette. That's something.
"It's freaking fantastic!!! I met so many of my role models, like Bryan, Kyle... hmmm, I can't think of anyone else," she said, tapping her chin in fake concentration. I pulled a sad puppy face.
"What about me???" I asked pitifully.
"Well... ok, fine Johnnie, you too," she said jokingly.
That name- Juliette- rung a bell. I had heard it somewhere. Was she a youtuber? I looked up 'Juliette' on Google. A few articles popped up, all on the same girl: Juliette North. There were some pictures of her, some with the black hair I saw in the video, and some with red. But she wasn't another youtuber, she was a girl that was kidnapped a couple weeks ago... very strange. How could she have filmed with me when she did? She had disappeared by then? Unless. Unless she was already kidnapped. What struck me odd about this video was that I was acting so comfortably with her, and I don't feel that comfortable with any other girl, other than-

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