A Solution

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I have to escape. I have to get out of here. I was so star struck that I let it blind me to the fact that I was BEING FUDGING KIDNAPPED. I can hear the guys talking about the missing ad, and what they're gonna do.
"We're screwed if anyone at Warped sees that."
"Her hair is different, and she doesn't have piercings in the picture though..."
"Everyone knows her name, and Johnnie knows her full name. If there's anyone who would put it together, it's him. Nosy bastard."
"I shouldn't have even let her out of the bus. "
"Don't beat yourself up. I'm gonna go check on her." I heard footsteps, then heard the curtain that separates the 'bedroom' from the rest of the bus. I shut my eyes tightly and prentended to be asleep. I needed this time to plan my escape.

*Andy's POV*
Jake stepped out from behind the thick, black curtain.
"She's still asleep... have any ideas about how to fix your problem?" Andy's mind was going a mile a minute, going through possibility after possibility, each solution worse than the last. Every single scenario had at least 30 things wrong with it. This was a hopeless situation indeed. But then...
"We have to do a Mind Sweep. On everyone."
"What?! Andy. NO!"
"Yes! Don't you see it's the only way? It would take a lot out of us, but I think we could do it between the 5 of us... I'll take Johnnie and Bryan, they spend the most time with her, and I'm the strongest... We can create a whole new persona for her... dye her hair, change her name... we can tell people she's, like, my cousin or something. It's really our only option." The rest of the band nodded, resigned. Mind Sweeps take a lot of power, and they knew that.
"Wait- What about tour? It takes at least a day to recover from a Mind Sweep, and we're gonna have to Sweep at least 3 people each. We can't perform like that." Jinxx raised a good point...
"We'll say we came down with something, that'll work... Hey, did you hear something?" I cocked my head, and heard a noise from behind the curtain. I slowly stood up, crossing the bus quietly, holding a finger to my lips. I ripped the curtain open and saw...nobody.
Juliette was gone.

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