Meeting BVB

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"Andy, what the hell, man. You almost drained her!"
"I was hungry! And she's still alive, isn't she?"
"You just had some, too. You murdered that roadie, and almost killed the girl!"
" I haven't had blood for months, CC! And you don't even know how addicting fresh blood can be, it's, it's intoxicating." Wait- CC as in Christian Coma? I opened my eyes to see all 5 members of BVB looking down at me. My head was pounding, and my mouth felt like it was full of cotton.
"Where...?" I said weakly, trying to sit up. My sight exploded into stars and I felt lightheaded. I laid back down. I was laying on a couch that smelled like Doritos and Monster, and something else, an iron-y scent... Blood? Everything came rushing back to me, and I quickly reached up to find a bandage on my neck.
"Don't be scared," Andy said, stroking my hair, "you're with us now, you're safe." I immediately calmed, sinking into his touch. He started singing Mortician's Daughter, softly, like he was singing me a lullaby. He circled the couch to sit by my head. The last thing I remember are the lyrics: "regrets still haunt your saddened head, but I promised you I would see you".

I woke up to the smell of chips and an odd sensation. It felt like we were... moving? Oh shit. We were moving. I have officially been kidnapped. I sat up, and felt like hell. Is this what a hangover feels like? I groaned.
"Rise and shine, princess!" I heard Ashley say.
"Back off, Purdy, she's mine!" I heard Andy growl.
"Ooh, he's possessive of the little human girl!" I heard something slam up against a wall, and quickly jumped up to see Andy holding Ashley by the throat. Everyone else was frozen, shell shocked. I quickly strode over to Andy and softly put my hand on his arm.
"Hey, hey, calm down, it's fine. I'm yours, we get it." He let Ashley slide down the wall, and turned to me, the anger still present on his face. I was afraid he'd take his frustration out on me, but he just hugged me tenderly.
"Juliette, you're up! We have chips if you're hungry. Do you need anything? Water? Should I change your bandage? The bathroom's just back there."
"I'm fine, are you alright?" I asked nervously. He scared me, but part of me longed to help him.
"Yeah, just a little cabin fever. And I'm dying for a cigarette. Can you get me a pack, and my lighter? They're over in that drawer there." I riffled through the messy drawer and found a pack of Camel cigarettes and a lighter. I brought them over, and sat down next to him. He held one between his teeth and lit it, then offered me one. I refused, the smell of cigarettes had always disgusted me.
"So, where are we going?" He laughed.
"The less you know the better. Hey, that reminds me: gimme your phone."
"WHAT? Over my dead body!!!"
"Fine, have it your way." He swung his leg around and straddled me, pinning both of my wrists with his left hand, and began to search with his right. I struggled, but damn was he strong. He checked my jacket pockets, my backpack, and finally, my back pockets. He wormed his hand under my ass, finding the phone in my right pocket. He took it out, giving a little squeeze as he did so. I squealed, and immediately regretted it. He laughed in satisfaction.
"Remember: you're MINE." He took my phone and locked it in a cabinet way above my reach. "We don't want you to escape, do we?" I groaned. That phone was everything to me. "I'll give it back, if you behave. We'll have to disable the phone and text first, of course."
The rest of the day was uneventful. I spent the day getting to know the band better, and trying to forget the reason i knew them in the first place. By evening, we were at another venue. We showered, the boys were jokingly asking if I'd like to shower with them, but the anger on Andy's face was real. Was he...jealous? We went to bed at 11, the guys had a long day tomorrow. I would love to say that I fell asleep immediately, but the truth was that so much stuff was racing through my head. I couldn't believe that this was my life.

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