Warped Tour was the best

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A/N. SOOOO I went to Warped Tour the other day, for real, AND IT WAS THE BEST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME IN MY LIFE, LIKE EVER. I GOT PICS WITH ALL OF MDE, I THINK IM GONNA BE IN ONE OF BRYANS VLOGS, AND I ALSO TOUCHED BRYANS AFRO. THATS RIGHT. ALSO, ALEX COMMENTED ON A PICTURE I POSTED ON INSTAGRAM. I KNOW!!! Black Veil Brides was sooooo great, I stood right at the barricade, and I'm pretty sure Andy acknowledged my existence. he's even more beautiful in person. He sadly isn't a vampire, and he didn't kidnap me, and I didn't have a relationship with Johnnie, and I didn't eventually get to meet MCR. WAIT, did I say too much? MWAHAHAHA

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