Çhá₱†ér Éígh†ééñ

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Çhá₱†ér Éígh†ééñ

"We'll rest here for the night." Thorin grumbled in his low voice as the dwarves filed in. They were all soaking wet and frozen to the bone when they entered the large cave. The ceiling was low but it did not bother any of them for they were small enough they did not hit their heads.

Balin started a small fire but it soon grew large and the flames casted strange shadows on the stone walls. Aezalia was tending to Kili while Bilbo dat in a dark corner alone and away from the others. When Aezalia saw that Kili was asleep she looked over at Bilbo with a sad face. She silently strode over to him and sat down by his side.

"Are you hungry?" she asked him when neither of them said a word.

"I'm fine, I'm not hungry at the moment." he sighed.

Aezalia huffed and dug through her pack for something. Bilbo peered down into its contents until she drew out two, shining red apples.

"Where did you get these?" he asked when she handed him one of them. He bit into the crisp fruit and savoured the sweet juice that rolled down his throat; he never thought that an apple could taste as delicious as that.

"I got it from Rivendell, I highly doubt the elves will miss a few apples." she replied and ate her own.

The atmosphere around the hobbits was much lighter but there was still some tension crackling in the air. Thorin stood off in a corner, shrouded by shadows and didn't say a single word. Soon, drowsiness seeped its way into Aezalia and she found herself slowly leaning on Bilbo as her eyelids began to droop. When she had fallen asleep, along with the other dwarves, Bilbo gently placed her head on a blanket, grabbed his things and prepared to leave.

"Where are you going Mr. Bilbo?" Bofur asked. He was standing guard in case anything tried to attack them in the night, Bilbo had completely forgotten about him.

"I'm leaving, Bofur, this adventure thing is not for me. I'm going home back to the Shire where I can live in peace." he explained as he tried to inch his way out.

"But what about Miss Aezalia, surely you aren't leaving her?"

Bilbo looked behind him and sighed when he saw her sleeping form on the floor. "She belongs here, she is the adventurous hobbit, not me."

"If you leave Bilbo then she is bound to follow after you, whether you like it or not."

Just as he spoke a harsh, cracking noise could be heard and the floor dropped out from under them. The Company yelled in fear as they tumbled through darkness into a never ending hole, it seemed. Then, one by one, they landed in a large, wooden cage that was in the shape of a ball.

"Where are we?" Aezalia asked from the top of the pile. Before anyone could answer her evil laughs could be heard in the darkness and flames suddenly appeared. Figures with long arms swarmed to the cage and chattered to one another in a language none of them could understand.

With a loud creak the door was opened and the Company was roughly pulled out. Aezalia tried to hold back a shriek when she felt the goblin's long fingers wrap around her arms.

"Kili!" Fili called as he tried to get to his brother. He threw punches at the goblins, but he only landed one for he was greatly out numbered.

"Bilbo!" Aezalia called out. She looked around and saw Bilbo hunker down on the ground. "Bilbo!" she cried and tried to throw herself out of the mob. Bilbo tried to get to her, but he was intercepted by another goblin and he was pushed over the side, taking the creature down with him. "Bilbo!" she screamed, but she was herded forward with a wicked lash on the back from a whip that had barbs on the end. This time she let the scream escape her lips and she fell on her hands and knees, only to receive two more lashes.

A Long Expected Adventure {A Hobbit Fan Fiction}Where stories live. Discover now