Electric 4: A New Friend

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Jinx's POV:

"Ah, so you met Cali." Ron said.

"Yea, she was a total bitch, and I wanted to know why Riley would date a girl like her." I said. I was leaning on the counter. Riley, after losing a game of rock paper scissors between me and Ron, was sent to fetch us coffees.

"Riley didn't tell you much about his life, did he?" Ron asked, studying my face.

"Riley didn't tell me crap." I sad putting a hand on my hip. Ron laughed at that.

"Riley doesn't tell anyone much, he's a closed book." Ron said, leaning back in his chair.

"He's also a liar. He told me his dad was in the army." I scoffed. Ron smiled, but shook his head disapprovingly.

"In the army? Jinx, did you even see any pictures of his dad in an army uniform?" Ron asked chuckling to himself.

"Well... no, but I figured army recruits weren't allowed to take pictures." I justified my opinion.

"Wow, you really don't get out much, do you?" Ron said mockingly. 

"It's not my fault!" I said with a hint of whining at the end of my sentence. Ron put both of his hands up defensively.

"I never said it wasn't! Calm down!" Ron said. I pursed my lips at him and leaned back on the counter.

"You never answer my question." I told him.

"What question?"

"About why Riley dated that bimbo!" I practically yelled, getting fed up with Ron more and more by the minute.

"Oh, yea, that. Well, Riley used to be a playboy." Ron said.

"Really?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Yep. It was kinda like one of those "mid-life crisis" things, but for a sixteen year old. That passed after a year, and now he's this keeps-to-himself and don't-ask-questions seventeen year old." Ron explained.

I'd considered what Ron said. And it made sense. I'd heard of a mid-life crisis. My dad almost left my mom because he had one around when he was forty-four. When my mom explained, she said it was when a man in his fourties went out and did silly things like buying expensive cars, dating women wayyy too young for them, and wearing leather jackets.

"Makes sense." I said.

"I just have one question." Ron said.

"What?" I asked.

"Why do you care?" I looked down, avoiding Ron's gaze.

"No reason..." I trailed off. I glanced at Ron, and a smirk was plastered onto his face.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" Ron asked smugly.

"No I'm not! I'm just curious!" I yelled at him.

"No, you're jealous." Ron said with the stupid smirk still on his face.

"I am not jealous of Riley dating a bimbo like Cali!" I yelled. As if on cue, Riley walked through the door holding a tray with three steaming coffees.

"Hey, what's up." Riley asked.

"Nothing!" I yelled turning around and slapped a hand to my mouth.

"Woah, what's with the sudden outburst?" Riley asked placing the tray on the counter.

"No reason." I said cooly, taking her coffee and sipping it. Riley was taken aback.

"Well..." He said. Ron laughed through his nose as he took a sip of his coffee. Ron made a face.

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