start of the end (part one)

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Gazing straight ahead, only half-aware of a world outside the claustrophobic comfort of the ship, of Ultrons's incessant humming, the almost soundless changing of the gears, the pattern of lights, sun reflecting off the metal.

In the sensory overload that was the stormy, night, sky Ana's limbs tingled and her brain raced in the most unhelpful way. After all the days of preparation the reality is still alien. She could die today. Technically, she could die at any day. But today, if things didn't go precisely as planned, the world as she knew it would be nothing but a distant memory; a death defying ticking; a desolate wasteland. Every single person that she had ever made a connection with, - ever loved, ever saved - would die.

Anastazya had all the authority in her hands to stop it from ever happening, yet she was still scared shitless.

"Hey kid, how you feeling? How's Junior treating you? You alright?" Tony asked, rambling a bit. Ana smirked and let out a quiet chuckle.

"I'm fine Tony, I just need to borrow your genius for a second," Ana admitted, gesturing to the core reactor, implanted in the center of the church. Tony raised his eyebrows in suspicion.

"You think you can handle something like this?"

"I broke through to Pentagon's firewall in high school, as a dare."

"So, I take that as a yes?"

"Always thinking so intently, Anastazya," Ultron mused. "Do you miss him?"

Ana rolled her eyes.

"Why do you assume that I am in love with Pietro?"

"I may be an omnipotent, death bringing, apparatus, but I know affection when I see it," Ultron hummed. Ana suddenly felt the strong urge to gouge out his left eye.

"Whatever," She scoffed. "If you can sense emotions so well, maybe you would have guessed that it was the fact I'm kind of fucking terrified about what's going to go down today."

"It's okay to be afraid of dying."

"Yeah, because I always do what's 'okay' and 'acceptable'."

"24 hours, and we'll be together again. Just 24 hours."

Wanda smiled crookedly. "Though, we will not meet again under the best of circumstances, I will anticipate it greatly."

Tony nodded at Ana. "24 hours and we'll be kicking ass together, just like old times kiddo."

Ana smirked, looking up at a stony faced Pietro, concern etched his features. He took slow steps nears her, immediately scaring her. He never moved as slow as he was moving towards her. He wanted everything fast, he wanted everything now.

"What's wrong?" She mumbled, stepping towards him. He looked down at her, before letting out a sigh.

"Please be careful, Ana. I do not know when I will see you tomorrow, but just know-"

"Yeah, yeah. I'll call for help if I need it. I won't be reckless. I get the ground rules Maximoff. I'll be fine. We'll be fine."

The corner of Pietro's lips quirked up into small smile.

"Are you scared?" He asked.


"Then I will find you. And we will do this together," Pietro told her, grabbing her hand and squeezing it, conviction evident in his voice.


"Of course. I will always find you."

"Get your mind together Anastazya," Ultron ordered. "We don't have time to dilly dally, we're here. And the Avengers are prepared to fight us."

Ana hadn't realized that they had stopped moving until Ultron had broken her out of her reverie. They were landed in front of the church that the tampered with core reactor sat in.

"Are they waiting in there for us?" Ana asked, shakily standing to her feet and rolling up her sleeves.

"There are only three, Stark, the Captain, and Thor. Nevertheless they are waiting for us. The others are no doubt evacuating the city. I want you and the sentry bots to find them, and exterminate them."

Ana nodded, popping her knuckles.

"Sounds good to me."

ASCENDANCY / P. MAXIMOFFWhere stories live. Discover now