tomorrow will be kinder

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"I do not like this," Pietro mumbled to her. Ana shrugged.

"Deal with it, it's what I'm doing."

"You are being reckless as usual, because you are hurt. Please do not do this. Stay here. Please," Pietro pleaded, holding her hands in his. Ana sighed, casting her gaze downwards. "Stay here with me," He begged her in a weak voice.

"I can't. I'm sorry." Ana told him. Pietro sighed, slowly wrapping his arms around her small body, squeezing her to him, cherishing what could possibly be their last moments together.

"You could die," Pietro choked out, trying to hold down his tears.

Ana nodded. "I know."

"If you do not make it back, I need to tell you something-"


"But Ana-"

"Don't. Give me something to come back for, yeah?" She whispered, voice cracking at the end. He nodded hesitantly.

He held her face in his hands and pressed a kiss to her forehead, lips
lingering on her skin.

"Be safe, Princessa. Promise me you will be safe."

Ana's eyes filled with tears of her own. "I don't tend to make promises I know I can't keep."

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

Ana sighed, running her hand down her face before turning to Ultron. She shook her head.

"Nothing important," She mumbled, even though it was a clear lie. It had been a month since Anastazya had seen the Avengers last, not that she minded much. She needed time away from them, after what happened she didn't feel safe with them anymore. But, she still missed some of them.

"Don't talk like that," Pietro hissed at her."You are going to drive me crazy while your gone."

Ana laughed, for the first time in a long time. "But you'll still miss me. I know you will."

"Of course I will, dumbass."

"Don't you mean no one important?"

Ana scoffed and rolled her eyes. "What are you assuming?"

"If you miss the boy, it shouldn't be that hard to get him to come back to my side. He would follow you anywhere," Ultron hummed, amused. Ana chuckled bitterly.

"Why don't you just come with me, Pietro?" Ana asked. "It wouldn't be so scary that way."

Pietro looked down at his shoes, sighing in exasperation. He was not a fan of inner conflict.

"That is tempting, but my sister. I can not leave her. We need to be here."

"I seriously doubt that," Ana grumbled. "Anyways, although I do love our little chats, I came here to get my next mission, not to play matchmaker."

Ultron let out a sigh, the sound crackling like it came out of old TV speakers. "You should like this one. You and the sentry bots are going to scope out Sokovia. I need a place to set the core reactor, and I rather not expose myself to the public just yet. Not until I am in my prime."

Ana snickered. "Diva, now aren't we?"


Sokovia was cold at this time of year. It was cold at anytime of year, but in late December, the frigid air itself could give you frost bite, not to mention the snow, and the wind, and the storms.

The blizzard in Russia was like Summer compared to the weather in Sokovia.

Despite the harsh weather, the streets were still busy. Pietro liked that about his home. Take no days off. Take no prisoners. Take no bullshit. It had always been that way. But he wasn't here to reminisce about his home, he was here to find Anastazya.

Pietro saw from the corner of his eye as Wanda's face lit up into a giddy smile. She clapped her hands together and let out an excited squeal.

"I can sense her, brother! I can feel her near!" She cheered. "I missed her in my head." Wanda sighed dreamily.

Pietro let a crooked grin spread across his face at his sisters excitement.

"She is at the old church," Wanda told him, grabbing his wrist and tugging on his arm. "Come on, brother! Take us there!""

Pietro chuckled and swept Wanda off of her feet, zooming down the streets and corridors towards the center of the capital city.

When he arrived, he eased Wanda down, trying to ignore the chills that ran down his spine. This was the first place he had ever met Ultron.

Before Pietro could process anything, he was grabbed by the face, someone's hands cupping over his mouth.

"On this rock," The person growled theatrically. "I will build my church."

Pietro turned on the person, quickly pinning them against the wall, raising his fist to punch them. He stopped when he saw two familiar crystal blue eyes, the ones he had been longing to see for a month.

"Well hello to you too."

"Anastazya mea draga! You are here!" He cried out happily, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her tightly.

Anastazya let go of him and hugged Wanda, who was waiting eagerly for her.

"I don't have much time," Ana sighed, wanting to have all the time in the world to talk to the twins. "I need to tell you what Ultron is planning before the sentry bots come back."

Wanda nodded. "Of course, tell us quickly."

Anastazya grimaced. "'s not pretty."


All the love,


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