oh captain, my captain!

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Wanda's small hands clutched onto Pietro's shirt as the Avengers slowly approached them, looking angrier than they had ever seen them.

Ultron had finally repaired himself to look fit to the title "bringer of peace". He just looked damn terrifying, and chuckled at the way that Tony Stark eyed him cautiously.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Ultron mused. "What brings me the pleasure of having Earth's Mightiest Hero's here in my home?"

"Where is Anastazya?" Steve demanded through clenched teeth.

Ultron put his finger to his mouth, feigning confusion. "Anastazya, Anastazya, Anastazya....well Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia was killed by the Bolsheviks in Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg 1918 with the rest of the Imperial family, she was age-"

Tony had Ultron by the throat in a second, pinned against the wall.

"Our Anastazya, you rusty piece of shit," he growled.

"Language, Tony! Or, is that Captain's line?" Ultron chuckled.

Pietro spoke up, taking a step towards the Avengers. "Your Anastazya had-"

"Died." Ultron finished for him. Tony stumbled back, looking startled. Pietro tried not to look alarmed at Ultron's lie. "It was quite tragic really, she kept going on and on about how you were going to save her. Instead, she died screaming in pain, captured in the hell Wanda created in her mind."

Clint clenched his jaw. "You're lying, that's impossible! Where is she?!" He spat out, gripping his bow tighter.

Ultron shrugged. "Burning in hell hopefully, where you'll join her soon enough."

It was dead silent in the warehouse, except for the incessant clicking of Nat's heel.

"Now," Ultron continued in an almost bored tone. "If you have no further questions about your sweet Ana's demise, then I'd like to get to the fighting part of this scene."

Steve yelled out in anger. He threw his shield at Ultron with a perfect spiral and watched, satisfied, as it lodged itself in his chest.

"Oh Captain, my captain!" Ultron whined, plucking out the shield from his chest like it was a pesky thorn. He threw it back carelessly. "Your damn frisbee won't put a scratch on me."

Thor's attention turned to the twins. He, Clint and Natasha charged at them. He chucked his hammer at the boy with the silver hair, cursing out loud when he suddenly disappeared from his sight.

Clint held his arrow at ready, eyes squinting to try to catch a glimpse of the boy speeding around him.

"Slow down, speed racer," he grumbled, yelling out in surprise when he was knocked to the ground.

"Speed up, old man," Pietro snickered. Clint rolled his eyes and scrambled to his feet.

"You're making a mistake," he panted desperately. "Siding with Ultron will ultimately get you and your sister killed. You are disposable to him."

Pietro let out an animalistic growl, knocking Clint off of his feet once more.

"Hypocrite," Pietro chuckled bitterly. "You Avengers treat life as if it's disposable. Tony Stark is a madman. Siding with him will only destroy you."

Clint groaned in pain, clutching his side. "Tony is a eccentric asshole who experiments and tampers with himself and others. But he knows the value of human life more than most, and I respect him. He only ever creates to make peace."

Pietro rolled his eyes. "He creates weapons to create peace? You are as mad as him."

Clint stood to his feet, breathing heavily. "He may have created the bombs that ruined yours and Wanda's life, but he wasn't the one who dropped them."

Pietro clenched his jaw, running his hands down his face in frustration. "She escaped," he mumbled.

Clint narrowed his eyes at the boy. "What are you talking about?"

"Your Anastazya escaped. Headed East. She is alive, but not for long." Pietro murmured, turning his back on Clint. "I suggest you go find her."

Clint's eyes widened. "T-thank you, I-"

"Yeah, whatever," Pietro grumbled. "Don't take it personal, old man. I did not do it for you."

Then he was gone, disappeared, leaving a trail of blue light in his wake.

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