no rest for the wicked

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"Okay. Anastazya, honey. If the circles under your eyes are the same shade of my darkest eyeshadow, you need to sleep," Maria reprimanded Ana, trying to steer her into her guest bedroom.

"Mar!" Ana whined. "I can't sleep I have work to do!" 

Maria narrowed her eyes at her. "You're seventeen, Ana. I know you feel like this is your responsibility-"

"It is my responsibility," Ana cut her off, gritting her teeth. "They are my family! An assortment of Moms, Dads, and weird uncles. I won't even be able to sleep knowing that they are out there, and they are hurt and that Ultron has him in his stupid lair where it's like NEGATIVE ONE HUNDRED DEGREES AND-"

"Anastazya, breathe!" Pietro interrupted her rant, placing a hand on her shoulder. Ana whipped around and Pietro flinched, afraid she might bite his hand off.

Wanda raised an eyebrow at her, looking more like Natasha at that moment then she cared for. "You know very well that if you do not get sleep, you will not be able to fight your best to help them escape."

Ana looked to Rhodey and Sam for back-up, and they just looked at her sternly. She groaned and threw her head back, trudging into Maria's guest bed room, Wanda and Pietro on her heels.

Maria smiled warmly at the three of them.

"Sleep tight, all of you," She hummed, winking at Ana before closing the door behind her.

Ana let out a high pitch whine before plopping down face first on the large bed, which apparently Maria assumed they could all share.

"I'll sleep on the floor," Ana mumbled, standing back on her feet and moving away from the bed. Wanda grabbed her by the hood of her jacket before she could even make a move to sit on the floor.

"There is enough room on the bed for the three of us," Wanda informed her.

Ana looked at her for a second before her sleepy eyes drifted over to Pietro, who stared at Ana expectantly. She internally scoffed and repeated herself.

"I'll sleep on the floor," She said again, passing Wanda and going over to lay next to a book shelf in the far right corner.

Wanda sighed at Ana's stubbornness, kicking her shoes off and sitting on the bed, rubbing her eyes furiously.

"Brother, did you bring extra clothes?" Wanda yawned. Pietro nodded, smiling crookedly at his twin sister. He rifled through the backpack he brought with him, pulling out a large white t-shirt, that Wanda identified as his own.

"Thanks," She mumbled, taking the shirt, and shuffling into the guest bathroom to change.

Pietro glanced at Ana, as she sat curled up in the corner, fully clothed, with her eyes closed. He sighed and threw his last extra shirt at her, causing her to shriek in surprise when it landed on her head.

"Holy hell!" She yelped, causing Pietro to burst out laughing. Ana plucked the t-shirt from off of her head, glaring at him. "Not funny, Maximoff."

Pietro shrugged. "I can always take it back? But I do doubt you like sleeping in all of your clothes, Princessa."

Ana scoffed. "And what makes you assume that?"

Pietro grinned at her. "I did wake you up once, do you not recall?"

Ana narrowed her eyes at him again, slowly standing to her feet with the shirt clutched in her small hands.

Pietro turned around and rifled through his bag some more. "I will not take a peek, I promise," He reassured her.

Ana rolled her eyes and slipped out of her clothes, and kicked off her shoes. She eyed Pietro's shirt suspiciously, sniffing at it, only to be surprised that it smelled really nice. A strange mix smelled strongly of peppermint, and rain, which made no sense considering that Pietro had been exposed to neither recently. She shrugged and slipped the shirt over her head, nearly letting out a laugh when it stopped right above her knees. Pietro was really big.

"Thanks, Maximoff," She mumbled, smiling at him when he turned around. When he glanced at her, he stared a little longer than she would have liked, but then nodded, muttering a low 'You are welcome,' before unzipping his jacket and pulling off his shoes. He laid down on the bed, running a a hand through his silver locks before looking back up at Ana.

"Why is it you stare at me?"

Ana blinked hard and nearly choked. Had she been staring? And for how long?

Ana shook her head and cleared her throat. "Shit sorry. I was just going to ask for a pillow," She said sheepishly. Pietro rolled his eyes and threw the pillow he laid his head on at her, watching as she caught it before laying back down. He placed his hands on his stomach, lacing them together and sighing.

"Go to bed Ana," He told her, just as Wanda came out of the bathroom.

"Well," Wanda started. "Goodnight to the both of you. Sleep well. We do have a big day in the morning."

Ana rolled over and sighed herself. Maybe she would just close her eyes and wait until morning. If she did let herself sleep, there would be no rest. Her mind would run rampant with nightmares again, about her family being killed. About losing Wanda and Pietro during the battle. About being alone.

After all, there is no rest for the wicked.

What is Ana and Pietro's ship name?
Comment Below!

I hope you liked this short, weird, filleresque chapter. I didn't!

love you all!


ASCENDANCY / P. MAXIMOFFWhere stories live. Discover now