true or false

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"We are going to fake your deaths."

"Um, no we aren't. Next option."

"There is no other option, you have to die."

Ana ran a shaky hand through her hair and sighed. "Are you sure?"

Coulson nodded. "Positive. Ultron is playing a game. He is playing you guys. He could have taken all of you that night, but he left the two of you. Why?"

"Because he's sick bastard, that is why," Pietro hissed. Coulson rolled his eyes.

"Because he is Tony's creation. He has the small tendency to think like Tony. He doesn't want to destroy the world without opposition, simply because-"

"It's no fun," Ana cut him off, shaking her head in distaste.

"Exactly. If we fake your deaths, he won't be expecting you when we invade the Sokovia base. Because, he'll either be looking for opposition against him or trying to get the artificial body back from the tower,"  Coulson informed them.

"How in the world are we going to achieve that? Is there anyone out there who is an expert at faking death? I do not think so. If they were good at faking their own deaths, we would not be able to find them," Pietro grumbled bitterly, taking a small sip of his drink.

Coulson smirked. "Nick Fury is technically, legally dead. So you're incorrect Speedy Head. There is one person."

Ana shook her head. "I don't want to drag Nick into this. I don't even want to do this at all. What if they see? Steve, Natasha, Thor, Clint? Wanda? What if Ultron shows them we are dead?"

"We'll be there saving them within the next 24 hours," Coulson explained

"It doesn't take much time to lose all hope Coulson. I do not think I can do that to them," Ana told him.

Coulson placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, looking at her sympathetically,

"It's either this, or we all die."

Ana dropped her head onto the table, causing a loud bang. Everyone in Starbucks to look at her. Coulson winced. Pietro's eyes widened and he pat her head.

"She is just tired. Very tired. It has been a long day," He chuckled nervously. No one said anything as they turned their heads back to what they were doing, except for a Mom yelling 'I feel you sister!' before leaving the cafe with her two kids.

"I know what we have to do," Ana's muffled voice grumbled. "I don't know how we are going to do it though."

Pietro shook his head, and let out an exasperated sigh. "Are we going back to the Avengers tower?"



"A gigantic explosion erupted in the heart of New York today. The Avengers tower has been completely leveled, leaving no survivors of the wreckage. Were our heroes inside? A witness says, that he had seen most of the Avengers leave days prior, leaving Elementa, Anastazya Dmitriev, and two other people she was with unaccounted for.

'Living next to the Avengers tower has always been an interesting experience. I always take time to look at the place, and it's cool seeing the Avengers go in and out of the place, saving the world constantly," Dexter Thompson, an Avengers enthusiast reports. 'A couple days ago, the Avengers jet left abruptly. When they came back, Thor, Iron Man, Hawkeye, The Hulk, Captain America, Elementa, and two people I had never seen before came back. With no Black Widow in sight. The jet left again a day later with just Thor, Captain America, Iron Man and The Hulk. Elementa and the two other people, left the tower a couple of hours later. Neither the jet or the trio came back. Until this afternoon, I was getting dressed for work, and I just glanced outside to see Elementa and the strange silver haired guy I had seen earlier. Without the other girl. They entered the building and as soon as they did large explosion set off, sending me off me feet and back onto my butt. All my windows exploded. I'm not sure why that happened, all I know is my heart goes out to the other Avengers for the lost of their beloved Anastazya, and her friend.'

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