Q & A

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Hi darlings! I know this isn't an update, but it'll be a little bit fun to do this.

Because I estimate that Ascendancy will have maybe 5-15 more chapters left, I wanted to do a Q & A right now! I was going to wait until the end of the book, but I decided why not now?


1. You can comment your question, or send it in a message.

2. Your question can be literally anything, and I will answer it. (Probably unless it contains spoilers).

3. I will be answering all questions you ask in a chapter, as well as on whatever platform you asked me on. (Unless you specifically ask that your question is personally answered instead of publicly answered.)

4. Even after the chapter containing the answers is up, ASK ME QUESTIONS. I love to answer them.

Now....GO CRAZY!

All the love,


ASCENDANCY / P. MAXIMOFFWhere stories live. Discover now