snow white

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song for chapter: my love by sia

Anastazya's senses were overwhelmed by the blinding, white snow. The storm had no depth, no dimension.

She didn't move from her spot in the street, Lord knows what would happen if she decided to try to make her way back home, she'd get lost and all of her effort would be for naught.

So she stayed solitary, curled up into a ball, shivering. She wasn't shivering because she was cold, fortunately for her, her powers allowed her immunity to extreme weather, she was shivering because she was afraid, she was bugged out.

Was no one looking for her?

No, of course not. They would all get lost if they tried to find her, Ana was glad they weren't trying to. It would only lead to something worse. Someone else getting hurt. Someone else getting hopelessly lost.

But there was a small part of her praying to whatever God she believed in, that someone was going to come for her, against all of the odds.

And though she wouldn't necessarily admit it, she wanted that someone to be Pietro.

Not because she liked him or anything! Of course not. He would just, get to her the fastest. She could also apologize to him for her outburst, that hurt him.

Ana's heart ached when she thought of that moment, he only ever tries to help her, and all she does is hurt him.

And Wanda, poor Wanda. Anastazya had been so mean to her. All she wanted to do was use her powers for a better purpose than torture, and Ana rebuked her.

She was a terrible, terrible person.

Her thoughts went back to someone finding her, and figured it would be best if no one did.

But Pietro was still out there.

"Anastazya!" He yelled, speeding around in small increments. Using his powers made the back of his head ache, not to mention he was probably going to freeze to death out in the blizzard.

He was too far from the house to turn back now.

He should have just ran after her, stopped her from leaving. Why didn't he?

He groaned and sped forward again, tremors racking his body once again. It was too cold for him to handle. He wondered if Anastazya was okay.

He needed to find her to make sure, also he needed to find her in some hopes that she could keep him warm until the blizzard was over, because there was no way that once he found her that the two of them could make it back home. They would have to wait it out, together.

If Pietro didn't die first.

"Anastazya!" Pietro screamed, leaving his throat raw. "Ana!"

"Pietro?" Someone called out, the sound was garbled, but he recognized her voice anywhere. The tenderness of it, even when she was shouting, the slight accent that years of living in America wore away. His heart skipped a beat out of excitement.

"Ana! Where are you?!" He shouted. His hands went out in front of him, for all he knew, she could be close to him. The wind carried their voices far away, making them sound farther than they should have.

A red spark broke through the white veil of snow, it was slight, but Pietro noticed it enough. He sped forward in it's direction, yelling out in surprise when he tripped over what must have been a very, very large rock.

"Yebat' der'mo! What the hell Maximoff?! That hurt!"

Pietro crawled on his hands and knees, stopping when he found something, or someone, impossibly warm.

"Ana?" He asked.

"Who else could it be dumbass?"

Pietro smiled and crawled even more forward, grabbing her warm hand and using it as leverage. Though he knew she was right in front of him, he still could not see her, only feel her. It was good enough for him.

"Please help me, I am very cold from searching for you," He mumbled. Ana snorted and wrapped her arms around him, hands hooking around the back of his neck. Pietro sighed in relief, she was like a warm blanket.

"I am so glad I have found you," He told her. Ana smiled, even though she knew he couldn't see a thing.

"I am so glad you found me too, Maximoff. Thank you for searching for me," She mumbled. Her hands slowly moved up to the back of his head, searching for a wound there.

"Are you healed?" She asked. She felt Pietro nod.

"I am fine, Ana. Please, let me worry about you for a moment. Are you hurt?"

"I am completely fine Pietro," She told him. "I am also, so sorry. I am so sorry for hurting you, I didn't mean it."

"You never do," He replied, leaning forward and resting his head on her own. "I forgive you Iubirea mea. All is well between us."

Ana nodded, rubbing her hands up and down his back, in a further attempt to warm him. Unfortunately, though he was fast he was still partially human. The cold still affected him.

"Can you feel your fingers?" She asked.

"Not really, but I will be fine. Just please do not let go of me," He mumbled.

Ana let her hands tangle in his hair, then allowed her fingers to run through it. She couldn't help but admit that the feeling in her heart was far from normal.

"I won't, Maximoff. I promise."

ASCENDANCY / P. MAXIMOFFWhere stories live. Discover now