idle teen

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"Tony, we ran out of milk two days ago, I refuse to eat dry cereal," Ana sighed, trudging around the kitchen. She winced when her exaggerated breath upset her wounds, but essentially ignored it.

"Then don't eat cereal," Tony told her, briefly looking up from his computer to roll his eyes.

"We can cook breakfast for you," Clint offered, gesturing to him and Natasha.

"Please don't."

Maria, Bruce, Tony, and Phil all sat huddled around two computers. Bruce and Tony at one, Maria and Phil at the other.

"Why won't you guys just let me help you? Pietro and I came up with your escape plan. Coming up with a plan to outsmart Ultron, shouldn't be that difficult," Ana groaned, plopping onto the couch across from Bruce and Tony.

Steve sighed. "They won't let me help either."

"That's because we don't want you busting out a hip, Old Man," Tony grumbled, before looking up again. "As for you, why are you out of bed? The twins are the worst babysitters, ever."

Ana rolled her eyes. "They fell asleep, I told them to. They haven't actually slept in two days."

"Maybe you should join them," James told her. "Sleep while you can, little one."

"I'm seventeen, Rhodey! I'm not little."

"Well you are a seventeen year old girl who is about to take a nap," Nat told her sternly, getting off of the couch, grabbing Ana's hand, practically dragging her back to the guest room. Ana was lucky enough to make it out of the infirmary after a week of being bed-ridden. Perhaps it was better to be bed-ridden, on an actual bed.

Nat opened the bedroom door, looking amused when she saw Pietro and Wanda curled up on the bed together.

"Go," Nat ordered. "Go sleep. We'll wake you up if we need your help."

"So you mean, never?"

Nat chuckled, placing a kiss on top of Anastazya's head before turning to leave. "Go to bed, Ana. Really, I just want you to get better so we can all take a deep breath. Okay?"

"Okay, fine." She grumbled, shooing Natasha out of the bedroom.

Ana dragged her feet all the way over to the bed, tapping Pietro on the shoulder.

"What?" His muffled voice whined.

"Can you scoot over?" Ana sighed. Pietro groaned loudly, lifting his head off of the pillow it rested on.

"Do I have to watch you now?" He asked sleepily. Ana smiled at him, before shaking her head.

"No, Nat and the rest of the team are condemning me to bed. So scoot over."

Pietro smirked, rolling over so that there was space for Ana to lay down.

"Are you still mad at me?" Ana whispered.

"I am always mad at you," Pietro replied, before chuckling. He sat up completely as Ana laid down.

Ana rolled her eyes. "No, seriously Maximoff. I'm sorry. I don't want you to be mad."

Pietro glanced down at Ana briefly, before shaking his head. "I am not mad at you, Princessa."

Ana nodded and closed her eyes.

"I don't like it when we fight, Anastazya."

"I do. It is funny. Now shut up with your flirting, I am trying to sleep," Ana heard Wanda hiss.

Ana's eyes widened and she looked at Pietro, who was glaring at his sisters sleeping figure, most likely cursing at her in his head.

"Goodnight, Pietro," Ana told him abruptly.


"Tony, something has occurred to me,"


"Your plan isn't going to work."

"Wow thanks for the vote of confidence sunshine."

"No, I am serious," Ana told him. "Any plan you and Bruce can create, isn't going to work, because you two created Ultron. Anything you can think of, Ultron has probably already thought of it and has come up with a way to stop you."

"She has a point," Steve piped up.

Tony rolled his eyes and shut his laptop. "And why do you assume that?"

"The plan you had with the plane? I got shot, Nat got taken. He knew you guys would come back for Natasha. And he was ready when you did. Clint's farm. He didn't know where to find us, because neither you or Bruce knew where it was. Or that it even existed. When Pietro and I rescued you, we succeeded, because Ultron didn't know our plan. However, Ultron most likely knows we are hiding out here. And he will probably be on his way any minute to come fuck our shit up," Ana explained, ignoring the look Steve gave her.

"What do you suggest then?" Bruce asked.

"I suggest we pack up. There is a different place we can go, one Ultron can't think of. Because, Tony doesn't know of it."




These last two chapters have been less action-y, and kind of slow. But don't worry, this next chapter will make up for it.

All the love,


ASCENDANCY / P. MAXIMOFFWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt