Chapter 6

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Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.
~Jim Morrison
Sitting in my office I think of Nanami and how beautiful she is.

'Ugh Chester your going to give me a hard on thinking about her like that'. I growl at my wolf in the back of my mind.

'Oh shut up you stupid human you can deal with it'. Sighing I roll my eyes, then keep working on paperwork. Around 1am I wake up to the sound of screaming.

'MATE GO TO MATE'. Racing to her room I see her screaming and so I try and wake her up.

"Nanami wake up!" Shaking her lightly I see those gorgeous blue eyes open.

"Xander". Then tears flow freely. I pick her up and hold her in my arms.

"It's ok Nanami". Holding her closely to my chest I put my chin on her head.

"It's going to be ok".
When I woke up I felt strong muscular arms around me, looking over I see Xander who is softly snoring, sleeping. I smile at him when I see how adorable he is.

'Wait why am I thinking this'. Thinking that thought over and over again I don't notice Xander waking up.

"Good morning Nanami". I look at him and smile.

"Morning banana brain".He looks confused and I laugh.

"Oh um Nanami can you tell me what happened last night". I tense.

'Should I tell him'.

"It was nothing just a nightmare". I smile then get up.

"Ok now can you get out so I can get ready". He cockily smirks at me and I roll my eyes. He gets up and I notice he isn't wearing a shirt showing off his gorgeous 8 pack. I groan then go into my closet. Hearing laughter and then the door closing I sit on the floor and hold my head.

'What was I doing!'. Getting up I head for the shower carrying a dress which ended mid thigh then see through fabric covered it.
'Wow I can't believe I just did that'.

'What that you slept with OUR mate'. I growl at my wolf and walk downstairs.


"What dear I'm kind of busy". I follow her scent and find her making some chocolate chip cookies.

"So um, should I take Nanami out on a date".

"Have you gotten rid of Cecilia yet". I gulp.


"I'm taking that as a no". I groan.

"Hunny your going to have to get rid of her sooner of later". Sighing I walk over to the couch and plop down.

Omg sorry this came out so late I have been really busy with school and work plus I was rlly tired last night so I couldn't go to sleep

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Omg sorry this came out so late I have been really busy with school and work plus I was rlly tired last night so I couldn't go to sleep

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