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Hi there!

This is my newest fan fiction. If you're here because you read my other fan fiction, You Are My Sunshine, I promise you a better ending. Pinky promise. If you haven't read my other fan fiction, go read it and you'll know what I'm talking about.

The beginning is kinda sad.. but it ties in with later on in the story. It's an important part!!

Enjoy hopefully..

5 months ago..

*Kaia's point of view*

I got home, terrified. Was he home? Had he been drinking? I had no idea, but I was scared either way.

"Kaia? Is that you"? 

Crap, he was home. And he sounded drunk.

"I-it's me, Chris"; I stuttered, trying to make it to the bedroom un-noticed. I just needed the suitcase, and I was free.

"Come here, now"! he shouted. I heard footsteps storm down the hallway. I ran, only a few steps until I could lock myself in the bedroom. I would be safe, maybe escape down the fire escape.

I reached the bedroom and almost locked the door, but I was too late. Chris threw his weight against the door, throwing me to the ground. I collapsed against the bed, my hip banging against the bed frame.

"Where were you"! he shouted, standing over me. Chris was huge; with a height of 6"3 and extremely muscular, he was scary. And strong.

'I-I was o-out at the movies w-with D-Dana, Chris". It barely got out as a whisper.

"You're lying"! he shouted, reaching down to pull me to my feet. I knew what was going to happen next, but it still left me in shock every time. He reached down and struck me across the face.

"You were out with Stephen, weren't you"?

"Stephen's just a friend, Chris. And on top of that, he's gay"! I added the last part in a shout, he looked down at me, eyes full of hate. That wasn't smart.

"Take off your dress"! he screamed, throwing me against the bed.

"C-Chris, n-no, not now".

(Author's Note: I had to stop writing here because I just couldn't write about it, I'm sorry that it's such an awkward transition. But I'm pretty sure you know what happens so.. yeah...).

The next morning I woke up, arms covered in bruises. I looked over to the side of the bed, which was empty. I got up slowly and walked to the side of the bed where Chris lay passed out. Quickly I got dressed in the first clothes I could find and grabbed my small suitcase I had hidden under the bed. This was the only chance I would get. I found the envelope I had put my money in and fled the apartment.

I never looked back.

The rest of the day was pretty much a blur. I couldn't remember how I got to the airport, or even how I chose a flight. All I know is I ended up in Vancouver later that night.

For about 5 months, I lived in a motel room, living off of the money I had brought with me for a few months. After about a month I found a job. I found an old friend from high school not long after. I've now been living with her for almost a week.

I don't know if Chris ever tried to find me over those months; but if he's been trying he hasn't been successful so far. And hopefully he never will.

I started taking art classes at a local theatre. I was happy and content. I thought that this was how my life was going to be, no more surprises.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

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