Chapter 30 - Rendezvous

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Tegan didn't end up having a sleepover with Kerry. It would have been a great time but she had some last minute issues come up at work. According to Cora, there was a coconut crisis that needed her attention tomorrow morning. It was unfortunate but unavoidable. Tegan decided to leave her dad's place a little after ten, and enjoyed listening to songs from the 90s on her drive back. It was a great way for her to pass time. Now that things had settled down at home, she could finally stop worrying about that part of her life.

Tegan received a phone call right in the middle of one of her favourite songs. "Hello?" she answered absentmindedly.

"Hey."  It was Christian.

Shit. Why didn't she check caller ID before letting her Bluetooth answer? Why was the turd calling her so late? Didn't he have work tomorrow? Shouldn't he be getting some beauty sleep? The last time Tegan spoke to him was at the penthouse, where she told him that she was done dealing with his games. Her heart ached remembering how their lips briefly touched.

"What's up?" Tegan asked nonchalantly.

"Where are you right now?"

Tegan was afraid to answer. "Driving home."

"I'm at your place."

"What?" Tegan couldn't believe the nerve of this guy.  "Why? Why? Why?"

"I wanted to see you."

Tegan took a deep breath. The light turned green and she drove straight through the intersection. "Why don't you give people a heads up before going to their place?" she asked upset.

"I don't know," came the solemn reply. "I guess I don't care to when it's supposed to be a surprise."

"Unwanted surprise," Tegan spat, checking for traffic before she got on the highway. "You should have texted me before making the trip over."

Christian laughed. "Well I did want it to be a surprise but I got tired of waiting. Where have you been his whole time?"

"None is your business," she grumbled.

"Let's rendezvous," Christian said.

Fifteen minutes later, Tegan struggled to park in her own driveway. Christian was scrolling through his phone on her front porch. He looked so comfortable, so at home that it made her scoff. Pulling her keys out of the ignition, she grabbed her bag and got out of the car. It beeped twice and locked automatically. Christian put his phone away and decided to stand up. Tegan crossed her arms and kept her distance on the gravel.

"Nice shirt," he smirked.

"Thanks," she replied.

"Is this what you wear to work?" he asked grinning. "I'm not judging or anything."

Tegan moved past him to unlock her front door. "I don't care if you are judging me," she retorted. "I'm not looking for your approval."

"Relax," Christian drawled hovering behind her.

Tegan looked up to face him. "Why are you standing so close to me?" she asked turning the doorknob.

"You don't like it?" he smirked.

Tegan rolled her eyes and stepped inside. The thorn at her side followed suit and took off his shoes. Happy to see that he had some manners, she allowed him to stay. "I would kill for some earl grey right now," Christian said marching up the stairs.

And he was back to being a spoiled brat. "Keep it together," Tegan told herself. "Don't kill him. You're too young to go to jail."

Catching up to the turd, she made sure to let him know that she was all out of earl grey. "Too bad," Christian sighed as he ventured into to the living area and took a seat on the sofa. What was he going to do next? Turn on the television? Tegan's mouth dropped as she watched the jerk do just that. She snatched the remote out of his hands and turned the television off. She was not about to let him lure her onto the couch for another cuddle session.

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