Chapter 5 - Request Sent

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Lance, Murray and Jon packed their instruments and moved away from the wall-windows. Rhea observed them from the couch, completely infatuated. After having lunch with Red and Christian in the lounge, she asked if she could go back to the penthouse and get to know more about the band. Red humored her and said if she wanted to follow Christian around while he wasted time with those charity cases, then she could.

"I made coffee plans with Misha so I don't have time to stick around to watch you drool over them again," Red said passive aggressively.

"If Misha asks you where I am then tell her I'm working." Christian told Red.

Red rolled his eyes. "You're an ass sometimes, you know that?"

Rhea couldn't keep her comments to herself either. "If you don't like her then why are you always letting her obsess over you?"

Christian's reply was unexpected and directed at Red. "Why does anyone do anything these days?"

The thought of Misha and Red having coffee together was a little annoying but Rhea told herself to forget about it. It wasn't like she could split them up. They clearly meant a lot to each other and their relationship wasn't going to extinguish just because Rhea wanted it to. People couldn't help their feelings. Hell, she was a walking-talking example of that. Her head told her that Red was the best choice for her but her heart continued to falter at the thought of Warren.

"If I get in the way or anything just tell me," Rhea told Christian when he sat on the sofa.

"If you want to loiter you can," Christian replied uninterested. "I'm not paying for this penthouse, Red is. I think that is why he's pissed off that I took on another talent."

"Right," Rhea droned as the jerk picked up a computer off the glass table. He flipped it open and addressed the band. Rhea couldn't help but scoff at him. He thought he was so cool because he was Red Jensen's manager. Whatever, it wasn't that impressive. Especially after his super-star had blatantly lied to him about why his producer abandoned them.

Taking out her phone, Rhea read the text messages from Tegan. Something funny was apparently happening at the boarding house. She wanted to take a picture of it so that they could laugh about it later. Rhea asked Tegan if she could send the picture now because she could really use the distraction—maybe that was why she was still at the penthouse—she was using Jon, Lance and Murray as an excuse to forget about Warren.

Rhea's eyes popped as she saw a message from one of her social media accounts flashed on her screen. She had a new follower on Instagram. Rhea opened the application to see who it was. Someone named, 'S-Nomad'. "Stranger danger," she whispered to herself accessing their account. Her eyes almost fell off her face. It was Sean! How the hell did he find her? Did he look her up? Oh no. Oh good god. Oh fuck. Was Francesca right? Did he actually like her? Rhea couldn't help but think back to the Meet & Greet event. Warren was good at telling him off but he refused to take a hint.

"Should I accept?" Rhea didn't know if it was a good idea to indulge him. They worked together! He was her supervisor. She didn't want to make things awkward between them. If she didn't accept and he brought it up at work then what was she supposed to say? Just make an excuse and pretend that she didn't get the request? No, he would know she was lying.

"Warren has some new songs for you," Christian's voice came. Rhea couldn't help but listen to him as he mentioned the suit-wearer. "He's going to come back and produce them with you but in the meanwhile, you should be perfecting Apologise. Make sense?"

Lance, Jon and Murray nodded.

"Once it gets on iTunes we'll check the response," Christian went on. "I'm not too worried. I just hope I can find you guys some gigs."

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