Chapter 3 - Charity Case

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Rhea got out of the elevator and entered the penthouse. It was just as she remembered it, ridiculously spacious with wall windows and fancy indistinguishable pillars. The atmosphere felt changed, like something in it was missing or maybe Rhea was just reading into things too much. Just because Warren wasn't there anymore that didn't mean her life was over—it just meant that things were going to be duller than before. Rhea stepped up to turn into the living area and heard voices talking. It wasn't anyone she knew. Her eyes widened at the sight of the three men. They were all facing the window, set up on different instruments, ready to instigate a rehearsal.

"We ready?" the middleman asked. He was fairly tall and was dressed impressively in a tight black shirt showing his toned physique and a pair of khaki pants. "One, two," his voice was deep. "One, two three..."

The guitarist commenced. He was blonde with an olive complexion and really wide shoulders. His plaid shirt was rolled to his elbows and his loose jeans were surprisingly hanging onto his waist.

"I loved you before girl," Khaki-Pants sang. "I've fallen here often so don't think I'll commit a crime. I won't fall for those stunning eyes a second time."

Rhea's jaw drew to the floor, unable to believe her ears. The drummer added his component. Unlike the other two, he had long curly hair that reached his neck and lean arms and legs. He was dressed in loose flannel sweatpants paired with a wooly cardigan and a skullcap.

"Those gunshots you triggered, still wounding my figure but I won't complain, I'm fine." How that deep voice managed to became so angelic was beyond her. "Healing and moving on with... this freaking love song. This freaking love song."

Absentmindedly, Rhea took off her shoes and moved in closer behind the three boys. "I called you every night baby to say goodnight baby," Khaki-Pants sang on. "I tried to keep us intact girl but your lies spilled misery and your heart became ugly, it was too late to turn back!"

All three joined in to sing the chorus. "You know you got to apologise." Khaki-Pants continued, "I need sincerity, it's least you can do for me."

Rhea couldn't help but groove to their tune. It was so darn catchy and fun. Before she knew it, she was slowly clapping for them and bopping her head.

"Hey." Red sneaked up behind her.

"Oh my gosh!" Rhea clung to his arm. "Who are they and why haven't I heard of them before and what are they doing in your penthouse and..."

"Calm down," he sighed. 

Khaki-Pants turned and acknowledged them as he continued to sing. Rhea kept moving to the song, nudging Red to join her.

He looked so annoyed by it all. "Stop," he grumbled as she grooved into it. "Don't dance around me, you're making me feel weird."

"It's such a good song!" she whispered as the chorus began again. "I called you every night baby to say goodnight baby!"

"Oh for fucksake!" Red groaned. "You know the lyrics already?

"But your lies spilled misery and your heart became...!" Rhea didn't know what came after. "How have I never seen or heard their music before? Seriously, Red! What is this?"

The song ended with Khaki-Pants humming the melody. Rhea thought her heart had stopped in her chest. This guy was such a talented human being. Who in the world was he? A rush of excitement rose from her throat and she had an urge to rush over and ask for his autograph. The drummer was the first one to greet them. Red scratched his head before introducing Rhea to them. "Christian's charity cases, this is Rhea. Rhea, these are Christian's charity cases," he said nonchalantly.

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