Chapter Twenty six

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Ariana was about to sleep. She laid on the plane bed and covered herself..

There was turbulence..

My Lord. That's why I hate flying..

"Are you fine?" Martin asked

"Not really."

The turbulence returned again but this time harder. Ariana felt a strange movement all over the plane. The plane was shaking hard.

No God please..

The plane was shaking more and suddenly the plane compartments were opened and threw it's contents. The light was blinking and the oxygen masks ware released. They heard the pilot saying Emergency! Emergency! There was an emergency landing..

Martin quickly took the life vest and put it on the tensed Ariana. He put the oxygen mask for her too then put his..

"Don't worry. Don't worry." Martin repeated trying to comfort her

Ariana was super panic and tensed..

No, no no no

All the passengers were screaming, the crew quickly got separated. Everyone on an emergency exit..

"We will die. We will die. Noooo." Ariana screamed

"Don't panic. We will survive." Martin said

"God please." Ariana screamed

There were explosions and strange sounds everywhere

"Noooo." Ariana was closing her eyes and holding the chair so tightly. She was moving her legs so quickly and screaming.

Martin was worried and more for Ariana..

He hugged her tightly...

"No, she will be fine." Ariana heard Martin's voice. She opened her eyes slowly to see Martin and two hosts staring at her

"Oh thanks God. You can leave her now. She opened her eyes." Martin said to the two hosts

"Where are we? Are we alive?" Ariana asked

"Alive?? Yes honey. Don't worry. It was just a nightmare. You were sweating too much and moaning. You made the crew come to you." Martin said rubbing her forehead
"Thanks God. It was just a nightmare." She got herself up

"Was it related with flying?"

"Yes.." she nodded breathing heavily

Martin brought her a cup of water. She drank some and gave him the rest.

"Okay I will leave you to relax. I am on the seat beside you, whenever you need me just call."
"Okay." Ariana nodded

Ariana watched a DVD movie to entertain herself and forget the horrible nightmare...

"Ari?" Martin called her by her nickname

"Ari? Did you say Ari?" She asked
"Yes what's wrong?"

She remembered two years ago when Martin used to call her Ari all the time and she used even sometimes to forget that her real name is Ariana..

"Nothing. Long time since you were calling me Ari." She sighed remembering the past

"I know... Remember when you were applying for a card in a mall and the cashier woman asked you about your name and you said Ari Rea."

"Hahaha yes I remember that." She smirked and looked from the window and her mind remembered her old days with Martin..

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