Alt-Mode Mishaps (Prime)

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***WARNING: This is a bit more of a nsfw oneshot, but it's not extremely bad. There's no mention of sex itself. Read on at your own discretion***

Coming to Earth can be very scary, not knowing anyone, not knowing the planet, not knowing if you'll survive. Like I said, quite scary, especially for a sparkling minicon.

Now, for one specific minicon, it's a bit worse, because he gets scared quite easily. And when he gets scared, he changes into his alt-mode, which I guess wouldn't be too bad, if it weren't for what he picked to be his alternate form.

Here's the story of Vibro, and the first time any of his teammates and human allies saw his alt-mode.


Vibro's P.O.V

It's been a few days since we've arrived on Earth, Amynta and I. We were here to find Team Prime, stay for a little bit, before heading back to Cybertron. Well, at least that's what Ames said to me. I think she's lying, I think we're staying here, so I guess that means I need an alt-mode.

I hope this planet has something that is good for my size. Being a minicon, I have to have a small alt-mode, obviously. Plus, the sooner I get one, the better, because I hate not having something to change into, to help me blend in. I hate being out and exposed when on a different planet... It makes me scared. Although, I guess I get scared of nearly everything. It kinda sucks, makes all the other bots call me a scaredy-bot. I'm not one, by the way.

I sneak along down this road, having been split up from Amynta, she went to go find her own alt-mode. I duck behind large plants and random garbage bins, trying to avoid being seen by any humans. During one of these moments of hiding, I notice something in the trash that intrigues me. I pull it out, and take a good look at it. It's about the size of me, a bit smaller, and it looks to be mechanical. I walk around it, seeing how it looks. I hum and haw, and I final decide. "Yup. This shall be my alt-mode."

I scan the object, and I comm Amynta, notifying her that I'm all ready to go. I can't wait to show her and the others my awesome new alt-mode!


We walk into base together, being greeted by our old friends, and the new allies they've made. "Ames! Vibe! How's it been guys?!" Bulkhead says enthusiastically. "We've missed you two!"

Amynta leaves my side, and goes to hug the burly green mech. I grin, and shake my head. She's always been the one to give hugs. She works her way through the rest of the bots, but stops when she gets to Optimus. She only nods with a smile in greeting, realizing he has different boundaries than the rest of us. My friend comes back to stand by me, and picks me up, so I can rest on her shoulders.

"Would you like to meet our human charges?" Optimus finally inquires once we have settled down a bit. "Definitely!" Amynta says, and I nod my head in response as well.

As soon as we speak, three tiny beings come from the hallway a few feet away. Ames squats down so I can get down, and see them as well. They cautiously approach us, one boy clearly leading their little group. I take a few steps behind Amynta, as if I could use her as a shield.

"Hi! I'm Miko! What's your names? Why'd you take so long to get here? Why.." The girl of the group starts spouting off questions right away.
My optics widen, and I look up at my friend nervously. The older boy of the group sighs, and steps forward.

"Hi, I'm Jack, that's Miko, and this guy here is Raf." A little boy with glasses steps forwards a bit and waves.

"Hello. I'm Amynta, and this is Vibro." I give a tiny wave as she introduces us.
We hear someone clear their throat, and the boy named Jack groans.

"Oh, and yes, that lady up there," He says while pointing to a couple on a platform, "is my mom, June Darby, and the man next to them is Mr. Fowler."

The lady waves, while the man glares at us, making me nervous. I look up at Amynta with wide eyes, and she pats my head to comfort me.

After all the introductions have been made, we all chat and get to know each other. Well, I don't really talk much, just observe.

Everything is going well, until something bursts through the main doors of the base.

I shriek, and do the only thing I know what to do; change into my alt-mode.

This, for some reason, causes everyone to flip out, which makes me shake.

The lady, Mrs. Darby, covers Raf's eyes, while Jack turns away, blushing, and Miko starts erupting with laughter. Amynta runs over to pick me up, shielding me from everyone else. I hear laughter coming from some of the bots, and it makes me start to sniffle.

"Ames... Ames, why are they laughing at me?" "Well, um, Vibro," She speaks between giigles. "Well, your alt-mode isn't exactly the most appropriate thing..." "I don't understand, I thought it was a good alt-mode!" I whine, and Amynta leans down, and whispers what I've really chosen as my other form.

"I'm a human spike!?!" I scream, changing back. I'm pissed off and embarrassed at the same time. "Why do they even have these sort of things!?" "Well, we, uh, us Cybertronians have them too." "What?!? Why don't I know these things?!"

This causes another round of giggles to travel through my teammates, and I glare at each and every one of them.

"I hadn't told you about these sorts of things yet, because you're still young. I wanted to protect you." Amynta tells me.

I soften my look, and pat her cheek, letting her know it's okay. Then I look at her with determination clear in my optics.

"I think it's time you have the talk with me."

She groans, and all the Autobots in the room laugh, unaware that they're going to be assisting her in this awkward discussion, in the near future.

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