Prom Night- Maddison (Prime)

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I was running out of time. I had to be at the Autobot base for 5:30, because Miko wanted to help me get ready for prom, and it was almost 5:20. I shuddered at the thought of the dance. I've determined I hate prom now, considering my date ditched me. I used to be all excited for it, but now it means nothing. I don't even know why I'm going anymore.

My phone buzzes. I walk over to my desk and check it to see who it's from, although I already know. It's Miko, wondering if I'm ready, and saying that Bulkhead, her robot guardian, and her are on their way. I sigh, then send a quick reply. I grab my cosmetic bag, full of makeup and stuff to do my hair, and walk over to my dress. Even in a garment bag, it still looks gorgeous. It's a deep blue, strapless, and just is the right poofy-ness; not as big as a cloud, but not as thin as a branch. I trailed a hand over the silver sequin and bead design, thinking about how it reminds me of a clear night sky.

I'm pulled out of my daydream by a loud honking outside. I rush to my curtains, and open them to see Miko and Bulkhead outside. I grab my dress and my shoes, and race out the door to meet them.


I've been sitting in Bulkhead's room for at least the past hour, letting Miko go all out on my makeup and hair. I can feel my neck and back starting to get sore from sitting still for so long.
"Are you almost done Miko?" I whine.
"Stop your complaining, perfection takes time." She says as she sticks what feels like the hundredth bobby pin into my hair.

I only have to wait a few more minutes until Miko gives me the ok to get up.
She helps me climb into my dress, and zips it up. I slid my feet into my shoes, and wait for Miko to bring a mirror over. When she sets it down in front of me, I'm stunned.

The girl in the mirror can't possibly be me. My hair is down and laying in perfect ringlets, with a beautiful crystal hair clip to add to it. My makeup is perfect, accenting my eyes and my lips just right. I twirl around gently, as Miko grins like crazy.

"You look absolutely gorgeous Maddison!!" She squeals.
"I actually do." I mumble, causing Miko to laugh.
"Come on! We gotta show the 'bots and the boys!"
She grabs my arm and pulls me out into the main room of the base. We're both laughing as we walk in, so all heads turn to look at us. I stop laughing as I notice all the eyes looking at me. My own eyes fall to the floor and I start to blush immensely.

There's an awkward silence after we walk into the room. I wish I could leave right then and there, it's so embarrassing for me. I risk a quick glance up, and see Jack giving me a little smile as he walks towards me.
"Woah. You look beautiful Maddie." He says.
I mumble a thanks as I blush some more.

"Why are you all dressed up Mads?" I hear Bulkhead ask. Clearly Miko didn't mention anything to him about prom.
"I'm dressed up because my school is having this dance -called prom- and I'm going to it. You're supposed to dress your best." I explain, as I look up at him.
"Do you have a date?" Raf pipes up.
"Not anymore." I say with a sigh. "Would one of you mind driving me to the school? My friend Jenna is going to be waiting for me there."

"What happened to your date?" A deep voice inquires. Optimus.
I take a deep breath, then say,
"He ditched me for another girl. He told me today, in front of basically the entire school, that he wasn't going with me anymore." The bitterness in my voice is very clear.

"I don't think you should go without a date. You deserve one on a night like tonight." Raf says to me.
"Well where am I supposed to get one when prom is in 45 minutes?" I snap at him. "Can't order one online, cause it takes too long to ship them here."
That causes Miko to start to get the giggles, but one glare from me shuts her up.
"You also shouldn't be without a guardian." Optimus says, always the one to worry about our safety.
He slowly looks around the room at the Autobots, evaluating them.

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