The End- Maddison (Prime)

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I was spending yet another day at the Autobot base, and I honestly was getting a bit bored. They have very few.. human-sized things. There's a couch on a platform, along with a tv and a gaming system, but that's basically it. Booooring. I took out my IPod, and decided to watch a few episodes of my favourite show on Netflix, Greys Anatomy, to pass the time.


I spend majority of the day on my IPod, only stopping a couple of times to charge it up. I get so engulfed by the show that I don't notice who comes or goes. You'd think I was working on breaking the record for most episodes watched on Netflix in one sitting.




With my continuous watching, I managed to get to the end of season 5, although it was quite late in the day by that point. Miko, Jack, and Raf were playing a racing game on our tv, while all the bots were doing various things in the base. I wasn't really paying attention to them, because my show was getting quite interesting.


On Greys Anatomy, one of the medical interns was going to sign up for the army. He never got the chance to do it, because he saved a woman from being hit by a bus, getting hit himself in the process. His face was mangled beyond recognition. But while he was being treated by his intern friend, he wrote his nickname, 007, into her palm, trying to prove it was him.

Now, up until that point, the show wasn't that bad. When I realized what him writing the nickname meant, I screamed,
And started bawling uncontrollably. I couldn't believe he was the bus victim!

I didn't realize how loud I screamed until I looked up and saw a bunch of scared humans and concerned bots looking at me. I pulled out my headphones, and tried to stop crying, but I couldn't seem to get it under control.

"Ratchet, I think you need to take a look at Maddison." I heard Optimus say. "She is crying very hard, and cannot seem to stop. She could be hurt."
I raised a hand to get him to stop for a moment.
"Just guh-give m-me a se-se-second." I managed to get out between sobs.

Everyone waited semi-patiently, until I was just left hiccuping a tiny bit.
"What happened Maddison?" Ratchet questioned, voicing what everyone else was thinking.
"Well," I started off. "I was watching a tv show, and..."
I explained what had happened, why I screamed no, and why I started crying, ending with "It was very sad and emotional."

All the robots looked at me with bewildered expressions on their faces, while Miko and the boys just nodded their heads a bit, completely understanding where I was coming from.
"So let me get this straight," Arcee said, sceptically. "You were crying and screaming... because a person, on a tv show, died? Don't you know that it didn't really happen?"
"I know it didn't really happen, but that doesn't make it any less sadder! Plus, I'm a very emotional child."
I mumbled the last bit as I crossed my arms.


The next day I arrived at base, only to see Arcee curled up into a ball, shuddering and shaking, clearly crying. I ran right to her, panicking because I had no clue what was wrong.
"Arcee! What's wrong!" I asked her. "Why isn't anyone helping you? You have got to need help, you can't be sobbing this much without being in immense pain!"
I clearly couldn't get her out of the ball she was in, so I turned around, only to see Bee, Bulkhead, and Jack almost doubled over with laughter, and Optimus and Ratchet chuckling a bit.

I was furious. They were all sitting around, laughing and having a good ole time, while Arcee was in the middle of a mental breakdown.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!" I screamed at them.
That managed to calm them down a bit.
"Remember how you were crying yesterday?" Ratchet said to me.
"Uh, yes..." I replied, not quite sure where this was headed.
"Well, Arcee was intrigued by that show, so she watched some episodes, including the one you were getting emotional over."
It only took me a few seconds for me to realize what he was implying.
I looked over at her, and she raised her head long enough to nod before going back to her crying.

"See what I mean now?" I asked the distressed Arcee.
"I see, I see!" She cried. "That show is too sad! No wonder you screamed yesterday! Just thinking about it again makes me want to... want to... want to..."
That's all she got out before she burst into sobs again.
Now I just had to join in the laughter, I couldn't contain it anymore.

Who knew robots could get attached to fictional characters as well?
"Maybe I should introduce her to Supernatural next week" I thought to myself. "Nah, too many deaths, I don't think she could handle it."
That caused me to chuckle a bit more.
I heard Ratchet say,
"You humans do have some... interesting reactions to things."
"Oh, you have no idea." I told him.

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