Druuuuunk (Prime)

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Wandering about the Autobot base wasn't exactly how I wanted to spend my entire Saturday. I wanted some action, or at least something to happen to keep me entertained. I eventually decide to make my way back to the main room of the base, and head to the couch for us humans, flopping down on it. I dramatically sigh, and drape my arm across my face. I peek out from under my arm, to see if I've drawn anyone's attention, but I haven't, disappointing me. I try sighing louder, once more, and this time I'm successful.

"What's with all the huffin' and puffin' over there?" A voice questions.

I lift my arm off my face completely, and sit up straight, seeing that it's Wheeljack who spoke up.

"Oh, nothing." I say, making sure to drag out the 'O' sound in nothing.

"Yeah. Sure sounds like it." He huffs.

"Like you really care." I shoot back.

"I don't." He tells me. "What I do care about is the annoying noise you keep making that's bothering me."

I glare at him, before explaining that I'm bored. Bored out of my mind.

"Well what am I supposed to do 'bout that?" He asks.

"I don't know!!" I shriek as I throw my hands up in the air. "If I knew, I wouldn't be bored!"

I look at Wheeljack as he grows quiet for a few moments. It kind of scares me, because whenever he's quiet, something interesting -or bad- is bound to happen. My thoughts are proven right, when he reaches out his hand and says,

"Come on. Let's play a prank."

I mull it over in my head for a moment, before grinning and stepping onto his hand.

"Alright, but you're taking the blame and any wrenches to the head if we get in trouble."

I listen to him chuckle, and and respond,

"It's a deal."


Wheeljack and I almost instantly come up with a brilliant idea (well, it's brilliant to us), and soon begin to find the stuff to put it into motion.

I stand guard, well, I stand guard as good as I can being a tiny human in a giant base, while Wheeljack raids the supply room for our "necessary" items.

I begin to grow nervous the longer he's in the room, because if some bot were to catch us, I can guarantee I wouldn't be stopping them!

Eventually Wheeljack walks out of the supply room with some energon and a vial of some sort of liquid, chuckling to himself. He walks up to me and sticks a hand out, and I hop on eagerly.

"So what's that stuff?" I ask, pointing to the vial.

Wheeljack came up with the prank, and I just went along with it, even though he never told me the details.

"This," He explains to me. "Is a small sample of nightmare fuel."

"Uh, nightmare fuel? That doesn't exactly sound too good. What does it do?" I ask, a little wary of what this substance could do.

"It's nothing to worry about, really. Just stick a bit of this in a bot's energon, and boom! You get, in human terms, a drunk bot."

"Seriously? That's it? That's awesome!" I pause for a moment, before looking back up at him. "Well, now it's time to answer the biggest question; who's getting the fuel?"

Wheeljack falls silent for a moment, a slight frown adorning his face, before quickly being replaced by a huge, cheeky grin.

"Magnus. It's gonna be Ultra Magnus."

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