Chapter 31

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Hours after Robin left, Ella brought back Theo sleeping on her shoulder. I led them to the room.

"We went to the park. He must have been tired playing, he dozed off on our way home."

After tucking Theo to bed, Ella turned to me.

"What happened?" She's asking about Robin.

I shrug my shoulders. Ella rolled her eyes.

"Maddie, it's time that you have to find a man at your side." Ella pointed out. I told her what I've said to Robin.

With Theo sound asleep, we had time to do small talks. Lance was out of town so I invited Ella to sleep over. I missed her.

"Just be honest with me," Ella paused for a moment. "you still love the guy, am I right?"

"What do you mean by that?"

I played innocent to what she's insinuating, though in between lines, I know she was referring to Matthew. I avoided talking to her about Matthew in the past, I can't bear the pain looking back what I had with him.

"Come on, Maddie. Don't hang on to your hopes too long. For four years, you ignored all those who wanted to be part of you. And for what cost? Don't punish yourself." Ella knew me too well. No matter how I deny it, I'm like a transparent mirror to her.

This time, I felt the emptiness inside. All these years, I was living with a stone heart. From the time Theo was born, I set aside my feelings. I pretended to be strong.

"You can't hide from me. Your eyes can't deny the real you."

She was right. Though Theo made me smile, there were times I get depressed. Especially when Matthew married Aprille. I had to let Theo stay with Ella for a couple of days at the height of my depression.

Haven't I move on? It was painful to note while I was living in misery, Matthew had his family of his own. No matter how hard I don't want any news about him, I can't help browsing the news featuring the Blaine's.

"It doesn't hurt to try, Maddie. Robin is a good man." Ella was still convincing me to consider him.

"You've suffered so long. Please move on. You deserve to be happy."

Hearing her words, all the pain flushed back to my system. Tears began falling from my eyes. I couldn't control my emotions, I was shaking.

Ella reached out to me. "Cry it out, Maddie. It will make you feel better." She rubbed my back.

Like à lost child, I found Ella to nurture me. More than a friend, she had her ways of making me strong, to make me move forward.

"Thank you for all the things you did to me. For being there at the darkest hour of my life."

Ella nodded. "Promise me, you'll consider Robin."

"Promise, I will."

I think Ella was right. I need to pick the pieces of me. I've been shattered for too long. I need to be complete again. It's only then that I can give my all to Theo, and hopefully to my daughter. Sabina, you're never forgotten. Mommy missed you very much.

It took you too long to recognize your faults Maddie. Sabina deserves a mother's love. 

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