Chapter 20

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Matthew had a girlfriend? He failed to mention her at all.

"I'm his girlfriend even before you get into the picture. I'm just curious what kind of evil are you? You took off his liberty for your personal end? You, senseless bitch!" She pointed at my face. She may be taller than me but I'm not afraid of her. Beside, she's inside our house.

"Sorry, but just go straight to the point."

"Come on, Maddie. Don't play innocent 'coz you're not." She mocked me. " After being slut to Brandon, now you use your daughter to let Matthew and Brandon fall for your whims. You, really, are a jerk!" This time Melissa butt in.

Now I realize from where these girls are coming from. Melissa was afraid Brandon may take all means to be with her daughter. It may mean a possibility of being us reunited together. And this Aprille claiming to be Matthew's girlfriend, she is after Matthew.

"Look, i don't have bad intentions. All I want is to be with my daughter."

"And you expect us to believe us? Really now, huh? You who had left her in the orphanage? You're a joker now, huh?" Melissa clapped. It is to mock me.

"Look, i don't want trouble."

"And so was I!" Aprille snapped. "I just wanna make it clear to you, I know about your arrangement. He married you just to avoid the custody battle in court. That's how Matthew good is and you took advantage of his weakness, you grabbed the big opportunity to become Mrs. Matthew Blaine."

Aprille knew the agreement. Such was undisclosed fact. She is really Matthew's girlfriend. I was hurt but I don't have the right to be mad. She is right, theirs was only an arranged marriage.

"But why, oh why, don't you know, you're such a big joke? Matthew told me about the pre-nuptial agreement and the waiver over your daughter's fortune. Not a cent would go to you, my dear. And besides, the very reason that Matthew comes home always drunk was because he can't do anything but to marry you. He promised to his mom to take care Sabina. Don't flatter yourself too much, dear", Aprille continued her verbal attack.

Tormented by her words, I couldn't deny it. If just recently I was hoping about having a happy family with Matthew. After that night something happened between us, I thought it was a beginning of building our own.

"I just wanna tell you, if ever there were nights Matthew doesn't come home, don't worry he's safe. He's with me in my flat. We usually sleep together even after your marriage."

I was trying to control myself. I couldn't reveal myself deeply affected by her words.

"Really? Then why are you here?", I challenged the girl.

Aprille looked surprised. If I seemed a defeated woman just a while ago, I transformed and turned a 360 degree.

"If you're sure that Matthew was just being a good son to his mom, then why are you here? Are you threatened that he might fall for me?"

"You bitch!.."

Aprille raised her hands to slap me but she stopped when seeing Sabina rushing to where we are.


She's a bit frightened. I knew, she saw that Aprille was about to hit me.

"So, this is Sabina."

Aprille paced near Sabina. She was about to touch her when Matthew appeared.

"Don't dare utter words in front of my daughter", Matthew was furious but he was controlling his tone. He doesn't want Sabina to be more frightened.

"Bring Sabina to her room."

I obeyed leaving the three of them.I wasn't able to understand what they're discussing about. Few minutes later, Aprille and Melissa left. And so with Matthew.

I was hurting especially so that Matthew didn't come home. It's tearing me apart knowing where he is now - at Aprille's flat!


Author's note: ohh geesseee.....What now?

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