Chapter 2

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"Hello, Matt...."

Sister Blessy was on the other end of the line. Almost three years now since Sabina's adoption, I got no call from Sweet Angels' Home.

"Matt are you still there?"

"Yes, sister. How are you? What's on this call?"

"I would like to inform you, Sabina's biological mother is with us right now. Please come over. It's quite a while that we waited. Thank God she finally appeared."

Mixed emotions, I drove off to the orphanage. It has been four years since my parents adopted Sabina. That was the day when mom and dad brought home a one-year old girl...

"Matt, come here. Meet your sister."

I was enraged. How come I had a sister of that age. Most definitely, she isn't mom's. I didn't see her got pregnant. Is it dad's?

Against my will, I approached mom. She's a known neuro-surgeon but was semi-retired at the age 50. She accepts patients on a case to case basis.


My "sister" giggled as she saw me. She's skinny and a bit undersize of her age. I can't understand but my displeasant feelings was totally gone.

"There you are....finally met your brother."

Dad appeared. He kissed mom and held Sabina. At the age 60, he's the busiest CEO in town managing successful business conglomerates. I am his apprentice and always tell me that in the near future I shall be on his shoes. That made me wonder, did Dad had an affair without me knowing? We are practically together all the time and I haven't seen silly things happening.

"Matt, we have legally adopted Sabina. That makes her your sister."

Mom did the explaining. She knew me too well. I was upset contemplating Sabina could be my parent's biological daughter.

"Sabina has been my charity patient for six months. She had this bone marrow abnormality, and she needs a transplant. Unfortunately, there was no lead as to who her parents are. She was left in front Sweet Angels Home when she was a baby. "

Anger suddenly flushed inside of me. What kind of parents Sabina has, just leaving her in the orphanage! They'll definitely rot in hell!

"Sister Blessy asked if we could be Sabina's foster family especially so that she has this condition. How could we deprive such sweet angel."


Sabina innocently chanted. I pity her. I reach out to her and she immediately jump on me. We all laughed. From that day, Sabina became a member of Blaine family.

Sabina continously brought joy to the family especially to mom and dad. They were very excited to come home just to be with Sabina. I am not offended the way they treated her. In my heart, I am her big brother. And just like Mom and Dad, I was captured by her pure and innocent being.

When Mom and Dad met that tragic accident, I vowed to their grave, I will take good care of Sabina. I will protect her like a true big brother would do.


Aww... what an angel. Don't you think so? Please post your comments and don't forget to click those VOTE and FOLLOW buttons. it would mean a lot to me. Thanks!

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