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Sapphire's Pov.

I shot opened my eye and started trying to catch my breath. I could feel the sweat coming down my face. I turned and looked over at Ruby who was sound asleep. She opened her eyes and looked down at me with concern in her face.

"Are you alright Babe?" She said I nodded and looked down. She looked at me with worry in her face. "What were you dreaming about?" I looked up at her and my eye began to water. "Y-You got sh-shot in my dream." Her eyes widen. "Tell me what happen in detail sapphire. I took a deep breath and looks back up at her. "Well..I don't really remember what happened but what I do know is we were running from someone, we ran into the ally but I guess it was to late. The person shot at me but you jumped infront of me and you got shot a few times. The person was just a horrified as I was when your blood was pooring out on the ground. I..I I was so .....upset." The tears started streaming down my face. I crenged my teeth. I just sat there. Ruby looked me in my eye with concern. "Well atleast it was just a dream. I'm here. Lay down and go back to bed." I nodded, we laid down and went to sleep.

Next day.

"Wake the fuck up" Jade yelled throwing water on us. We sat up quickly and tried to catch our breath. Once we took a breath of relief we looked up at her and turned up our lips at her.
"Dont look at me like that! Anyways Goodmorning to you two, I will be leaving I gotta take care of some special business. Emerald will be watching over you while I'm away. Ill only be gone for 6 or 7 hours....See you later Ruby baby." she said giving Ruby a kiss on the cheek Ruby snarled at her. "Emerald come down here". Emerald walked down the steps and over toward Jade. "Watch these two. You can untie them if you want, Jasper's upstairs in the living room with Lapis and Amethyst, if you need her yell if you need her. And DON'T touch Ruby she's mine! Ill be back shortly, Bye" Jade said walking up the steps and disappearing out of site.

Emerald walked over toward us and untied our Ropes. Ruby glared at her with her fist balled at her sides.
Emerald stepped back and was about to speak but a fist stopped her from talking. I watched as she hit the floor, I looked up at Ruby who was angry standing in the same position she was in while punching Emerald to the ground. I stood up, dusted myself off and walked over to were Ruby was standing. I put my hand on her shoulder. "Are you fucking insane?!" Emerald said placing her hand on her nose.

Ruby glared at Emerald as she stood up from the ground. Emerald stuck her tongue out at Ruby, went to punch her again but I Stopped her hand.

"Why are you trying to help us anyways?"

Emerald looked down then looked back at me. "I'm tired of being bossed around. All I do is get told what to do by Diamond and her Sister. I don't like Ruby , I never did. They just told me to ask if I could date her. I wanna get out of here and you guys are my only hope." She said with tears streaming down her face.

I looked at Ruby and she shrugged her shoulders. I turned my attention back onto Emerald."Alright but we need a plan to escape."

"I'm on house duty tonight . I'll grab Amethyst and Lapis and bring them in here so we can discuss a plan."

We nodded.

Night time

Emerald came down the steps with Lapis and Amethyst following behind her. We sat in a small circle to discuss the plan. "Ok , we escape through that window right there then make a run for it into the forest." We nodded our heads once.

Just the we heard heavy stomping . we looked up then back at each other. Just then Jasper came down stairs. Emerald was on the chair and we were pretending to have our hands tied still. Emerald looked up at jasper with a calm face expression. "Yes, Jasper?" Emerald said.

"Oh. Nothing. Just checking." She said going back up the steps. As soon as she closed the door , we looked at each other and stood up. We walked toward the window. Lapis turned toward Amethyst. "Mind giving me a boost?" She said pointing at the window.

Amethyst nodded and knelt down allowing lapis to step on her shoulders the hoisting her up.

Lapis quietly unlocked the window and looked around checking for signs of Jasper. Jasper was sitting on the porch watching sports. She was cheering loudly. Lapis turned back to us and nodded her head once. Amethyst pushed her gently but swiftly out the window . Lapis held out her hand for Amethyst to climb up and out of the window. Then they did the same for Ruby. They turned around and heard Car doors pull up. Out came Diamond and Jade, Jade was carrying something in her hand.
"Uh oh. Guys we better hurry." Amethyst said with worry in her voice.
"Come on Sapphire jump higher!" Ruby said trying to stick her arm in the window farther. "I'm trying!"
Soon she caught Ruby's hand. Ruby started to pull me up until my leg got tugged back. I turned my head and seen Diamond pulling me back. "Where the hell do you think you two are going?!" She yelled.

I panicked and kicked my her with my other foot hard making her released my foot.

Ruby pulled me out if the window quickly and grabbed my by my arm and we all started running toward the forest. I felt the mud go through the cracks of my toes each time I stepped in a wet area.

You could hear Jade screaming for them to catch us. They werent anywhere in site though but you could hear the broken tree branch parts getting crushed when stepped on from behind us.

I looked back and seen a 3 flash lights moving quickly toward us. I was soon yanked out of the light and into more leaves and bushes, I covered my face with my arm and continued running. Soon we came in to a deep dark cave. We walked so far back so we wouldn't be seen by Jade,Diamond, and Jasper. I leaned against a rock and yawned. Ruby sat next to me and wrapped her arms around me pulling me closer to her. "Sapphire, I'm sorry about all of this. I love you ." I looked up at her and see her eyes getting shinier as the tears started to build up. "It's Ok Ruby. I love you too."

" We will wake up really early tomorrow so can be on our way home. Right now rest is needed Goodnight" Ruby said. We laid on the cold hard floor, Ruby dozed off. I sat there for a second and let a few tears fall down my cheeks. I hope we get out of this mess.

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