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Ruby's pov

*time skip until the end of the day*

As soon as I seen Jade, I ran up behind her and touched her shoulder. She turned around and gave me a devilous smile. Gods this girl freaks me out!

"If I break up with Sapphire and date you will you let her go?" I said removing my hand from her shoulder.

"Yes I will."

"Take me to her then." I said giving her a fake smile.

She looked at me for a second then started thinking. She looked back at me and responded.

"Alright. Follow me."

"Wait I'm taking my own car. I got stuff to do later. Ill ride in my car with a drive behind you then break up with her and roll out."

"Um..sure ok?" She said leaving the school.

I followed her out into the parking lot and we got into our separate cars. I let her pull out of the parking lot and drive down the road as I followed. Soon we reach this old cabin looking thing. I turned off my car and got out shutting the doors behind me. I walked around my car to the porch of the cabin where Jade was waiting for me at.

She then opened the door and it made this creaky sound. I walked in and she walked in behind me making sure to close the door. I felt a pinch on my butt cheek and I jumped. I turned my head and seen Jade behind me giggling. I smiled and swung my arm over her shoulders.

We walked to this celler thing and Jade walked in first. She switched on the light to reveal more steps. She continued walking down the steps each time she stepped it creaked, I followed after her. I picked up a lamp from off the shelf that was there while I was waking down the steps.

We reached the end of the steps and looked over to see sapphire chained up. I frowned at her and walked toward her, Jade following by my side. She looked up at me with sparrow in her face. She wasnt in bad shape she just had messy hair and dried blood stains everywhere.

I was so peeved but I didn't show it. I didn't have the courage to "dump" her but I have to so we can go.

"Sapphire" I said with a grin.

"Ruby" she said firmly.

I took a deep breath and let out a sigh.

"I came here to break up with you. I don't love you. I never did your just a weirdly and I wanted to see how far I could get you to go for me. I don't like you nor will I ever like you. Your hiddious."

The words that came out my mouth hurt me. I know they hurt her, I didn't mean any of that. I think she beautiful she prefect. I see nothing wrong with her. She then started to cry and that broke me more inside.

"Hold up ill be right back. I gotta get my camera" jade said turning around.

As Jade was about to take her first step away from us I hit her in the head with lamp I had in my hand. She hit the floor. I looked at Sapphire who was stunned at my act and broke her chains off her wrist. I helped her up and pulled her up the steps until something yanked her back. I looked down at her and seen Jade pulling on Sapphires shoe. I then pulled sapphire out her grin with most of my strength and ran out the door.

We went toward the front door but got stopped by Emerald. Soon Jade came up the steps with a gun in her hands pointing it at us.

"I told you Ruby, I told both of y'all time and time again that I wanted you. That if I didn't get you I was going to kill both of you. But you didn't listen to me." She said giving us a crazy/weird laugh.

She cocked back the gun and was about to shoot. Sapphire ran up on her and slapped the gun out her hand and cought it. She pointed it at Jade, she put her hands in the air.

Just then I felt arms wrap around my neck choaking me. I started trying to catch my breath. I caught Sapphire and Jades attention and then jade Slapped the gun out sapphires hand and into the floor.

I reach behind me and grab Emerald and throw her over my head and slam her on her back. I kicked Emerald and went after Sapphire and Jade who were fighting on the ground for the gun. I pulled Sapphire up and we ran out the door. She got in the passangers seat I got in the drivers seat and started my car. I pulled off down the high way and seen jade behind us. I stepped on the gas and we sped up. Soon we were at my house.

Good thing too. The cops are outside my house as I planned. I pulled up and parked my car and got out with Sapphire. We ran to my house door and stood there. Soon Jade and Emerald pulled up and the cops attacked both of them onto the ground. They put on hand cuffs them and put them in the back of the police car. One if the police men walked up to me and sapphire.

"So you must be the little one she need to save."

Sapphire cocked her head back and looked at him like he was stupid.

"Excuse me sir. I'm not a "little one" I maybe short but ill bite."

The police man laughed.

"Well thank you for the call Ruby. We got them from here."

"Your welcome."

Soon the police cars were gone and it was just me and Sapphire standing on my porch. It was silent and all you could here were the crickets that were making nosies. It was dark and the only lights that are on, are my porch light and the street lights. Sapphire sat down and I joined her.

"Why did you sleep with her Ruby?"

I looked at her with sarrow in my eyes.

"Sapphire.....Sapphire I was alittle to dunk and I had one to many drinks. My vision started to faze out. I swear I didn't sleep with her on purpose I was dunk so I guess she took the option that she seen To make me look bad and want you to break up with me. I'm sorry any of this even happend. I love you Sapphire and I would understand if you--"

Without a word she kissed me softly and passionately. I picked her up bridle style and kicked open my door. I walked up the steps still kissing her and kicked open my door. I laid her firmly on my bed and stood up. I smiled at her and took off my shirt. She laid back in between her legs in the missionary position French kissing her. I then pulled off her shirt revealing her only in a back bra. We both kicked off our shoes. She wrapped her arms around my neck making sure I don't break the kiss. I started grinding my hips between her legs. I then stopped kissing her and kissed her cheek then sucking on her neck and licking her down to her collar bone. I started sucking on her chest leaving little light purple marks that will soon be dark purple marks.

I told her to take off her bra and she did. I then started licking and sucking on them and playing with her nipples. She let a small moan escape her mouth. I smiled and continued , my tongue traced around her boobs. I cupped them and started caressing them gently. Soon I was done doing that and started kissing from her stomach down to her pants and stopped. I unbuttoned them and pulled them down. I pulled her underwear off and looked up at her. Her cheeks flushed purple and she hid her face. I gave out a small chuckle and removed her hands from her face. I gently opened her legs and leaned in. I immediately started sucking and licking on her area. She let out a loud moan as I licked her clit, I stuck one finger inside of her and started thirsting in and out. She was moaning and pulling my hair. I started thrusting my finger in and out faster and faster. She was moaning uncontrollably and her legs her shaking alittle. I then stuck another finger inside of her and started thrusting harder and deeper as her. Body began to shake. She gripped the covers and tilted her head back still moaning. I kissed her clit and took my fingers our and watched ger body calm down. She looked at me and frowned. I chuckled at ger cuteness and stuck my fingers right back in. She body shaking harder. Soon, I felt her area get tight around my fingers and felt a warm liquid escape her body. I licked her juice up and laid down next to her. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"Its ok I forgive you but You know the talent shows tomorrow right?" Sapphire said.

"Yes I do and I cant wait to dance with you"

"Me too"

"Snuggle with me baby"I said moving her body toward me.

She snuggled up close to me and soon we both went fast to sleep.

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