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Sapphire's Pov

After we left the office we went to our lockers. Amethyst ran to class and me and lapis went to the bathroom to fix me up. I just stared into the mirror while Lapis brush my hair. She stopped and looked at me.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem like it."

"Well I am."

"No your not sapphire I seen the way you looked when Ruby was shouting at you. Maybe you should just let her be so she can blow off some steam. She can stay mad at you forever."

"No. I think I messed this one up. I need to stop assuming things and just listen...that's always been my problem. I never listen. I always jump to conclusions instead of waiting for the truth to show. I closed my eyes and sighed. I guess that's another reason why nobody likes me. I'm just a wanna be know it all." Meanwhile I'm stupid and know nothing."

"Sapphire stop talking down on yourself. Your worth more then that. I pretty sure people on Judge you because your eye. Your beautiful inside and out. Any gem would be luck to gave you as their girlfriend. Ruby will come back to you. Just give her sometime." She said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you Lapis." I said turning around and hugging her tightly.

"Your welcome." She said hugging me back.


Soon the school day was over and it was time for dance practice. We had to be there directly after school because we only have a 4 days until the talent show. Soon all the kids were out the school and just the kids in the talent show were here. Everyone had already gone to their classes and I was still in the hallway. I grabbed my bag from out my locker and put it over my shoulder. I had already changed my clothes while I was in the bathroom. I closed my locker and sighed. Why Sapphire, Why? I turned away from my locker and began to walk to dance practice. I soon entered the room to realize Ruby already there working on her solo. I went to my dance locker and put my bag inside. I took out some socks and slid the on my feet....what? Socks help you spin better and let you glide better on the floor. I signed in and sat down on the couch until Ruby was done practicing. She turned around and looked at me. She just looked at me and went to get a drink of water. I got up and stretched the begun my routine. Ms.Quartz guided me along the way with the dance. I practiced to the song 6 or 7 times before Ring came back...Its doesn't take that long to get some water.

"Alright girls time to start those dances." She said putting on the song I picked out.

Its really not the time to be brushed up against her like that. As we danced I can feel how upset she is. Her body was hot, hotter then normal. I really messed this up didn't I. She didn't talk to me one time through this dance. I was kinda upset. Her face was angry the whole time. I looked at her and frowed.


Ruby's Pov.

Soon dance class was over and I could go home. I grabbed my bag and walked passed Sapphire without a word. I wanna talk to her but she cut me deep and hurt me feelings. I walked to my car and seen it had been keyed. I looked around and back toward the school. I seen sapphire come out and look at me. I looked back at her but alittle closer. I seen a stream of tears coming down her face. She walked to her car and got in. I did the same. She pulled out the parking lot and drove down the road. I did the same I realized it started raining and raining hard.

I started to I really going to let what she say hurt my chances of being with her. I'm not supposed to make her cry. The point of talking to her was to get her to have a smile up on her face. I made her cry....twice. I soon pulled up to my house and park my car. I got out and when inside my house. I went up into my room and turned on the light. I looked up and jumped back in fear.

"Hey baby"

"What are you doing in my house?" I said sternly and confused.

"I'm here for you silly. I know you didn't mean what you said earlier so I decided to come over and....fix..the problem if you know what I mean." Shes said whispering into my ear.

I pushed her back and moved back alittle. She gripped me up and pulled me close toward her. She didn't have nothing on but my t-shit. I pushed her off me again and she grabbed me and threw me on my bed and got on top of me.

"Yo Jade this isn't funny get out my house and get off me!"

"Shhh. Relax baby." She said ripping my shirt off showing my sports bra.

"Look your sick. I told you I don't want any female but Sapphire. Not leave me alone you weirdo." I said pushing her off me.

I grabbed her clothes off the floor and threw them to her.

"what else did you bring get out" I said throwing her stuff at her.

I pushes her out my house door. She turned around and looked at me.

"Oh you'll regret this. You and sapphire. I got something planned for you. Just you wait. Oh and I wouldn't worry to much about your little girlfriend. She probably fell into our trap by now"

"What do you mean"

"don't worry about it you'll see. Might wanna go check on her" she said smerking and running toward her car and pulling off.

I ran upstairs grabbed my keys and ran out my house door closing it and locking it. I ran to my car and go in started it and pulled off toward Sapphire's place. I drove alittle faster then the speed limit but right now I don't care. I pulled up at Sapphire's house and banged on the door yelling her name. She soon opened the door and looked at me.

"Why are you here?"

I stopped for a minute and looked at her dead in her face. Her eye was puffy and I seen a few tears that have fallen before she opened the door....shes been crying...this whole time..

"Hello?...Why are you here?"She said.

I looked at her grabbed her face and kissed her. She was surprised I did that but soon followed in. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I lifted her up. I walked inside her house and closed the door with my foot. I sat down on the couch and she broke the kiss. I looked up at her and she looked down at me.

"I'm sorry for making you cry sapphire. I just ...well it hurt when you thought that I wasn't helping you. That whole thing stared because I hugged you. She was just be jealous. But lemme tell you something. Sapphire I wanna be with you. I want you to be mine. Ive been thinking about it and I realized I wanna make it official with you. You make me happy sapphire. Happier then anyone has ever made me. Just looking at you gives me tingles. Your so beautiful inside and out. I don't see why you were even bullied in the first place....anyways sapphire will you be my girl?"

She paused for a second and looked at me. Her cheeks starting to turn purple. She looked at the ground then back up at me.

"Yes I will" she said hugging me.

I hugged her back.

"I'm staying over ok?"

"You don't have any clothes though"

"Yes I do they are in my car" I said getting up and going to my car.

I came back and we went upstairs. I changed into my boxers and laid down on her bed next to her. She turned around and buried her face into my chest as I held her closer and securely. Soon she fell asleep and I kissed her forehead and we both went to sleep.

[A/n this chapter was rushed...sorry I might not he good but I'm very sleepy. Once again sorry for it being crappy. I promise it will get better. Goodnight everybody]

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