Chapter 36

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-It’s a bit short. My migraine isn’t going away, and I really needed to update – It’s not that good at the moment. It’s just a filler chapter, the next one will be better. I am thankful for your patience. I hope you enjoy what little I have.

Hermione and McGonagall sat on a sofa, and McGonnagall got a serious look on her face.

“Ms. Granger, as you full know, we don’t have very many professors to take on extra jobs at

Hogwarts, correct?”

“Yes, professor.”

“Nonsense. Call me ‘Minerva’, please.” She smiled tightly.

“Ok, M-M-Minerva..” She said it hesitantly, not wanting to be scolded or given a detention.

“I was hoping that you might be able to substitute for me next week, as I will be leaving with

Professor Slughorn to Durmstrang for a meeting.” She analyzed Hermione through her glasses.

“Of course, that means a lot to me, professor – Er, Minerva.”

McGonagall beamed at her.

“Excellent. I’m still to find a Potions professor to take over Horace’s job. Remember – this lasts a week. I’ve informed your boss that you’ll be taking on the job. She’s fine with it, as long as you work diligently before you leave.”

“Professor, how’d you know I-”

“Hermione,” she said maternally.

“I very well know how capable you are, and I doubted you’d refuse.” She smiled.

“Thank you, Minerva.”

“It’s not a problem at all, dear.”

“Do you know who you’re going to hire for Potions?“ She asked curiously.

“I’m not sure yet, but I must decide soon. It’s going to be murder pulling this together.” She sighed.

“If you need help-”

“Thank you, Miss Granger, but I can handle it.” She said, cutting her off.

Hermione nodded. It pleased her to know that McGonagall would go to her first. She supposed she’d been something of a favorite of hers.

“Well, I must leave now, but I appreciate you taking the job. We’ll mainly be working on transfiguring birds into cooking utensils – easy. Whoever takes the Potions position will be sharing a dormitory with you. There are separate rooms in the dormitory, but you’ll be in close quarters with them. We can’t really add another at the moment, so I hope you don’t mind.”

“Certainly not, professor. It’s quite alright.”

McGonagall smiled at her fondly and got up. Without another word, she exited the room. Hermione stood, thinking about how good it would be to revisit Hogwarts. She groaned internally at the thought of the feast foods. She could practically taste it…

“Hermione?” Ginny’s voice came from the archway to the living room.

“Yeah?” She looked up.

“What did McGonagall want?” She walked over and perched herself on the sofa next to Hermione.

Hermione was practically glowing. She couldn’t hide her excitement.

“I get to teach at Hogwarts!” She burst out, grinning like an idiot.

A look of surprise crossed Ginny’s face.

“What will you be teaching, Professor Granger?” she said, snickering.

“I get to teach Transfiguration; McGonagall and Slughorn have to go to a meeting at Durmstrang.”

“Meeting for what, exactly?”

Hermione frowned.

“I don’t know. She just needed substitutes.”

“You said Slughorn is going, too, right? I wonder who’s going to teach Potions.” Ginny mused.

Hermione shrugged.

“I just hope it’s someone who’s halfway intelligent. I have to share a dormitory with them.”

She winced internally at the thought. She wasn’t keen on being close with someone she didn’t know. She’d stay out of their way.

“Wow. I hope you don’t get a pervert.” Ginny giggled.

“Oh, shut it, Ginny. I’m more worried about whoever it is jumping out of their skin when they see my morning hair.”

“It is rather frightening.” Ginny chuckled.

“Believe me – I know.” Hermione laughed with her.

Hermione glanced at the wristwatch on her arm and sighed.

“I’d better be going soon. I have to go to the Ministry pretty early in the morning.”

“Wait,” Ginny said in a slightly shaky voice.


“Can we go together? I don’t really like the idea of being there without a familiar face.” Her face looked scared, and she was biting her bottom lip in anxiety.

Hermione smiled warmly. She felt a sisterly bond with Ginny. She was one of the few girls

Hermione could say knew her well. She would do anything for Ginny.

“Of course.”

Ginny shot her a thankful look, then said,

“Well, you can go ahead and go. I’ll get Ron to clean up. Everyone else will be leaving pretty soon, as well.”


Ginny looked at her expectantly.

“Just – er, be PATIENT with this Harry thing. I’ve known him since I was eleven, he gets like

this from time to time. You just have to talk to him and be -”

“Patient.” Ginny smirked.


“I’m just worried that he’s seeing another girl.” The corners of her mouth turned down.

“Ginny! He’s been in love with you since our sixth year!” Hermione exclaimed.

“That doesn’t mean a thing.” Ginny muttered.

Malfoy’s words echoed in Hermione’s ears.

“A relationship doesn’t mean a thing…”

She shook that away, trying to clear her thoughts.

“Patience.” Was all she said.

Ginny nodded.

“I’m just getting tired of these mixed signals he’s been sending for the past week or so. It’s

really getting to me.” She bit down on her lip harder, puncturing the skin.

“You’re reading into it too much.” Hermione said uncertainly.

Ginny laughed darkly.

“Of all people to tell me that -”

Hermione grimaced.

“I know, I know. But just wait it out. You won’t regret it.”

Ginny sighed and looked at the ground.

“Get home, we’re going to have a busy day tomorrow.”

Hermione patted her consolingly on the shoulder.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Ginny.”

She strode out of the sitting room, hearing the unmistakable sound of a sniffle as she left.

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